23~Me too

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Marie-Anne's POV

"Hey baby," Dylan greets me as I walk into his kitchen.

"Hey," I say wiping the sleep out of my eyes. I grab my phone and look at the time, it is late. I can't believe I slept for this long, "why didn't you wake me up?"

"You looked really peaceful and cute I didn't want to disturb that, look I even took a pic," he says showing me a picture of me sleeping with my mouth open.

"Are you cooking?" I ask while I sit on the island. Dylan had no stools, so I had to sit on it.

"Yes, are you hungry?"

"Very, what are you cooking?"

"Macaroni and cheese, it's my favorite. I'm sorry, but do you eat that type of food?" He ask referring to the time I didn't eat dinner at his parents because the food looked disgusting.

I nod my head and he goes back to his cooking. I sit there silently and watch him from the back. He had some grey sweatpants on with a shirt that was so tight on him you could see his muscles. I bite down on my bottom lip because of how sexy he looks right now.

"Starring is not good Marie-Anne," he said sarcastically as he got close to me.

"Sorry," I also said sarcastically.

"Why you staring though?" He ask trying to tease me.

"I just think you look really good with that shirt," I say honestly.

"Thanks," he said getting between my legs, "you look really good right now too."

"Thanks, can I ask you a question?"

"That was already a question baby, but what is it?" He jokes while still looking into my plain brown eyes.

"Why do you like me?" That question been going through my mind all day. I mean, he looks good enough to get any girl he wants then why chose me? I haven't brought him anything but pain ever since he met me; he cannot even go to his own house because of me.

"I don't like you Marie-Anne, " he doesn't? wow, that hurts, "I love you," he adds causing me to blush a little.

"Then, why do you?"

"Well, there isn't an answer to that. You can never explain to someone why you love them, but I'll try. It's how you make me feel, the smile you put on my face, and the fact that you make my world trouble free because of you in it. I love that you make me want to wake up each morning," he pauses and I put my head down in order not to look him in the eye.

He touches my chin making me look him in the eyes and I smile at him, "and that smile, that smile drives me crazy," I couldn't help it but blush. I kiss him and he kisses me back. He stops and looks at me in the eye. "Marie-Anne, I don't think that's a good idea," he says because of what happened earlier.

"Dylan, it's fine," I assure him.

"You sure?" I nod my head giving him permission to touch me. He kisses me and I touch his short curls. He pauses leaving both of us out of breath, he places small kisses over my neck causing me to let out a moan.

Someone knocks at the front door and Dylan groans, "it's probably just some random salesman they'll go away if we don't answer," he says continuing to kiss me.

The person knocks again, but only louder this time, "I think you should answer it," I say getting off the island.

I look around the small kitchen and I turn the stove off when I see that his food is about to burn.

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