21~No longer welcomed.

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Dylan's POV

I cannot believe my mother, she has the audacity to threaten Marie-Anne. Many people may think that just because Marie-Anne and I haven't been dating long, that I don't love her; well I do. I do not want my mother to love, like, or be friends with Marie-Anne, all I ask is for her to support me, I guess that is just too much to ask.

The car behind honks causing me to notice that the light was green. Without hesitating I put my foot on the gas pedal and speed my way to my parents' house. My mother has done enough, starting today she has to make a decision; it's either she accepts Marie-Anne or she can forget that she has a son named Dylan.

I put my thumb on the fingerprint recognition that is on the front gate. After recognizing me, the gate opens to let me in.

"What are you doing here Dyl?" My sister ask as I enter the house.

"Hey, I'm here to see mother, where is she?" I ask.

"She's in father's office, they are having a meeting," she paused and I head towards dad's office, "couldn't you wait until dinner to see mother?" she ask.

"No, it is important,"

"Did you get in some type of trouble? Why are you so mad?"

"Nothing okay, I'll talk to you later, I promise nothing's wrong okay?" I tell my sister trying to assure her that everything is fine. She nods her head and heads upstairs. I walk towards my father's office.

"Hi Bella," I greet one of our housekeepers as she exits the office.

"Hi Mr. Dylan," she greets back, "they are busy in there," I hear her say after I open the door. I see my father, mother, and my brother sitting and talking.

"What are you guys doing?" I ask after I barge in there. Everyone stares at me in surprise ignoring my question. They look at each other and my dad relaxes his composure.

"We are conspiring against you," my brother finally says.

"Very funny Adam, I would believe you but father is here and he isn't a backstabbing liar like you guys, so..." I say.

"Enough Dylan, that was not funny," my father say.

"Wasn't a joke father," I say sarcastically looking at both my brother and mother.

"We were having a very important meeting before you barged in here, do you need something?" My father ask.

"Yes I do father, mother may I speak to you in private please?" I ask nicely.

"Dyl, anything you have to say to me you can say in front of them, we're all family here," she says getting up from her seat.

"Okay, why did you threaten Marie-Anne?" I ask getting straight to the point.

"I did not," she lie.

"Are you calling her a liar too?" I ask.

"Now what is this about?" My father ask getting up from his desk.

"Mother told Marie-Anne that if she didn't leave me alone, she would get her mom fired from the hospital she works at," I fill in my father.

"Kim, is this true?" My father ask in a serious tone.

"Honey, why would I do such a thing? The girl is clearly lying and she got Dylan wrapped around her little fingers."

"Kim, I have met Marie-Anne she wouldn't do such a thing," my father says defending Marie-Anne.

"You see what she is doing, she's turning us against each other."

"No mother, you are turning us against each other. I don't care if you like her or not all I want is that you respect her and accept her as my girlfriend." I say.

"You haven't known that girl for one second and she is already your girlfriend?" She ask.

"Does it matter? Mother, I am not a little boy no more. You cannot just keep playing with my life, you have lived yours can you just please let me live mines?"

"That girl is stealing your life away from you, she is already trying to steal your family," mother say. She is still trying to blame Marie-Anne, I wish she would just apologize, but no she is my mother. She never apologizes, she is too self-righteous for that.

"Okay, mother that's how you want to play this game?" I ask, "then you can forget that you have another son, from now on I will not step foot in this house. I want nothing to do with you, you are no longer my mother in my eyes," I say.

She looks at me shaking her head and before I know her hand meets my face.

"Did you just slap me?" I ask in shock. Both my father and brother stand there shock as well. All my instincts tell me to slap her back, but I hold everything in. My hands form a fist in anger, but a knock on the door causes me to relax them.

"Come in," my father say.

"Um.. sorry to disturb you, but there is a certain Marie-Anne at the gate," Bella says in her thick accent.

"Marie-Anne?" My brother ask.

"What the fuck is she doing here?" My mother ask. I look at her shaking my head but say nothing.

"Let her in," my father say.

I walk out the room to see my sister behind the doors eavesdropping. I ignore her and go to the front yard and see Marie-Anne coming.

"Oh, Dylan thank goodness you are okay. I was worried," she say running towards me and hugging me.

"I'm fine, why were you worried?"

"I just thought you might do or say something stupid that you might regret later on," she say letting me go from the hug.

"I didn't," I say.

"Hi Marie-Anne," a voice behinds me say. I turn around to see that it is my sister.

"You know you are not welcome here, right?" My mother ask before Marie-Anne even had a  chance to reply to my sister.

"Mother," my brother say in a disappointed tone.

"Kim, you have no right," my father say.

"And as long as you keep her as your company, you are not welcome here Dylan," my mother tells me, "and as far as I am concern I am not your mother, so get out."

Marie-Anne looks at me in confusion and I don't say a word.

"Let's go Marie-Anne," I say grabbing her. From behind I can hear my sister, brother, and father arguing with her, but I don't say a word.

I cannot believe she just did that.

"Your mom's not your mom?" Marie-Anne ask as I open her car door for her.

"She is," I tell her but she still looks confuse, "it's a long story, I'll tell you later," I close her door and walk towards my car.

I open my car door start my car and follow Marie-Anne out of my house, or should I say my mother's house.


Sorry for the late update...

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Au revoir...

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