8~ Honesty is the best policy

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Marie-Anne's POV

"Yeah, I'm right, you're wrong." Dylan sings from the phone.

This was the... Wait never mind, it became a habit. Every night before bed we would talk over the phone. We could argue about pointless stuff. For some people, this might be boring, but I enjoyed every second of it.

It's surprising how much I know about him after just one date.

"Hello?" Dylan asks over the phone distracting me from my train of thoughts.

"Okay fine, I give it to you. You're right I'm wrong." I agree to disagree even though I was damn sure I was right. I mean I had to, the guy's a stubborn son of a bitch and I always thought I was the stubborn one.

"Anyways, I have to go. We have class early in the morning. And don't be late." I say breaking the silence.

"Okay, mom. Bye. Have a good night."

I laughed at his use of words and hung up the phone putting it on my nightstand.

Before I knew it I was in another universe.

"Okay, guys see you, next class." My English professor says dismissing the class.

"So, did you enjoy class?" Dylan asks walking over to where I was sitting while packing my stuff.

"I don't know, did you?" I ask.

"No, I was half asleep. I barely heard a thing she said. I slept late last night."

"And why was that?" I mean who has time to be sleeping late on a school night? I understand if it's Friday, but not during the school week.

"I was talking to you, remember?" He quickly responds.

"We stopped talking at eleven. How is that late?" 

"Well, for me it is, plus I couldn't sleep. I went to bed around one."

"Why couldn't you sleep?" I ask grabbing my bag and exiting the room.

"It's a long story."

"Um... Dylan, usually when someone says it's a long story, it's a pretty short one and they don't want to share it." I say stating the obvious.

"Okay, you're right. Maybe, I don't want to share it, is that a problem?" 

"No," I answer back, He's right, what was I thinking? I always want to know everyone's problems. It's not like he's my boyfriend or something, he doesn't have to tell me his problems; heck I don't even think he's my friend. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to sound offensive sorry if I did." He says apologetically.

"It's fine," I say stopping at the front of the school. Omg, it's hot. I can't believe I didn't bring the car. I need to buy myself a car I thought.

"Um... bye, I guess." He says bringing me down to Earth.


"Yeah, talk later." He says walking to his car.

I look up and look at the sun, I then take my jacket off putting it around my waist. I walk out of the student parking to head home. It's only a few blocks away, I mean how bad could it be right? Right? I thought.

As I was walking I hear a car honk at me. If anyone lives in Florida and walks you know the feeling. There's always some perverts honking at you asking if you need a ride. I don't know why they don't find something to do. I remember back home a man honked at me and when I ignored him, he had the audacity to get out of the car, then come touch me; I kicked him in his private part and ran. Today I'm not in the mood to be running I hope that person doesn't get out.

"Hey Marie-Anne," the voice says. Okay if he was a perv he wouldn't know my name so I turn around to see Dylan driving and looking out the window at me he then stops the car.

"What do you want Dylan?"

"Why didn't you tell me you didn't have a ride home?" He ask seeming worried.

"You can't answer a question with a question," I say back with an attitude.

"Okay, I deserve that. I'm sorry about earlier; now can you just get out of the sun and get inside."

"Okay fine, but I'm only doing it because I started sweating and I hate sweating," I say now sitting in his car.

"Okay, thank you."

Before I knew it, we were in front of my house. I do not even know why I was so worried, It doesn't seem that far.

"Thank you," I say getting out of his car.

"Wait," Dylan says grabbing my hand. Gosh, his touch felt amazing, his hands are so soft.

"What?" I ask still a little mad from earlier.


"Okay bye then,"

"Wait, do you want to do something tonight?" He finally asks.

"Sorry, but I already promised E a girl's night with no boys."

"Okay, what about tomorrow?"

"Sorry, I got work"

"Marie-Anne," I love how my name sounds out of his mouth. Everyone calls me Marie, I don't know why he keeps calling me my full name. "Stop trying to avoid going out with me." He blurts out.

"I'm not," I say back getting out and walking towards my door. okay, maybe I am a little. When I moved here I promised myself, I would just focus on school, not boys. I don't want any distractions right now.

Before I could open my door, I hear a car door opens and Dylan is running towards me.

"You are, and don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you."

"Trying to be bossy, I see. I'm sorry but it won't work with me." I turn around again putting the key in the keyhole opening the door. Dylan does not let me enter but instead, he grabs my hand and turns me around.

He looks at me in the eye then kisses me.

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