Chapter 1

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(Shayla's pov)
    Before you start asking questions, jist know that my name is Shayla, I'm Sean's little sister, and I'm 14. I have just sat back and watched the entire drama at the lodge. So as a recap of everything that happened, a new girl named Skye showed up and changed almost everything. Sean and Ben got into a little fight over her and Kaylee lwft for the city. Noah didn't really take it well wjen she left but he was happy knowing that she liked him back. Danielle had convinced her mother to let them have the concert and now everyone was friends. Skye had finally chosen between Sean and Ben and she she chose Sean so let us prepare for the rollorcoaster that is the life at the North Star lodge.

I woke up to the noise of my alarm. Today was going to be a exciting day. I was going to be staying at the lodge while Sean was working there. I got out of bed and got ready for the day. I straightened my hair then put on some grey jeans with a light pink sweater and brown ankle boots. " Shayla hurry up cause I can't be late " I heard Sean scream from downstairs. Don't get me wrong, he was a amazing brother but he couldnbe really annoying sometimes. I ran down the stairs which was a bad idea because I tripped over my feet. I closed my eyes and braced myself for the world of pain I was about feel but instead of pain, I feel someone around me. I open my eyes to see Sean standing there with a smirk on his face. " Well thank you brother for that, you almost had to plan my funeral there for a second " I say as he helps me back onto my feet." You are so dramatic now lets go or we're gonna be late " he says as our dad walks over to us. " Let,s go my children oyherwise Sean will be late then I will be late." Sean helps me grab my bags then we were out the door. " Are you excited to stay at the lodge with Sean " my dad asked looking at me throigh the rear view mirror. " Of course and I'll finally get to meet that girl that Sean is always talking about " i say while smirking. " Yeah yeah and I have a surprise for you " said Sean turning to me with a smirk on his face. " Oh no, I know that look, what is it " I ask scared of his surprise. Last time he had that look, I ended up with a broken leg cause I let Sean try to teach me BMX tricks on his bike. " Relax it is actually that Ethan is going to be staying at the lodge as well " he says as his smirk turns into a smile. I got excited as soon as he said that because Ethan was Ben's little brother but also happen to be my best friend. Ben had told Sean that Ethan like me and Sean being who he is teased me about it. We stayed best friends but sometimes it was weird. I was snapped out of my thoughts when my dad said " we're here." Sean turned to give me a small smile which I returned before we got out of the car. Je got my bags out of the car and we said goodbye to our father. " Ready " sean asked looking at me. " Ready " I say with a big smile on my face.

(A/n Okay new story and i will also be doing a story where it Ben's little sister and Skye chooses Ben so be ready for that one.)


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