Chapter 2

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   " Sean " I hear someone scream and I see a blonde hair girl running towards us. " Skye " said Sean hugging her with a huge smile on his face. I have never seen my brother's face light up the way it did when he saw that girl and the way he talks about her shows how much he likes her. " Oh this is my little sister Shayla " he said as he released Skye from the hug. " Hi Shayla, I'm Skye " she says putting her hand out. I shake her hand " hi and I know who you are, Sean talks about you a lot " I say causing Sean to give me a look then laugh akwardly. She just smiled at him and then turned back to me " well we have your room ready, it is right next to mine and Ethan is next to you. Sean told me how you two are best friends." " Yeah we are and what else did Sean tell you " I ask looking to Sean then back to Skye. " How much he loves you and how protective he gets ever since he found out Ethan liked you " she said smiling at Sean who looked slightly embarrased. " Okay, that is enough girl talk or whatever, let's get you to your room, shall we " he said grabbing my bags. I could see Skye smirking at him but turned into a smile once he smiled at her. We walked into the lodge and I saw Ben, Ethan, and two other boys talking. " Hey guys, this is my little sister, Shayla " Sean said as they all looked at me. " Shayla " said Ethan. " Ethan " I said as I hugged him. " Im Noah and this is Josh " said one of the boys I didn't know. " Hi " I said to the two boys. " Okay Ben and I will take your bags to your rooms " said Sean as him and Ben start walking away with our bags. " I'll come help " said Ethan walking behind them. " Alright that means that Shayla will be here with three of my friends so don't embarras me please " he says giving me a serious look. " No promises " I say as he walks away. Once they are out of sight Noah turns to me " so tell us one thing Sean has done that is embarrasing. " Well one time he saw a spider on his phone then he screamed like a girl and refused to tough his phone for a week " I say trying not to laugh at the memory. Noah on the other hand burst out laughing " oh my gosh, I was on the phone with him when that happened and it was on speaker. I asked him who screamed and he said it was you then he started to freak out. He wouldn't respond to anyone's texts and Danielle got so mad at him " he said as his laughter calmed down. I could see that Josh and Skye were trying not to laugh. Everyone's expression went back to normal when the guys came back into the lobby. Sean looked at me and sighed " alright what did she say about me " he said as he hung his head down. " That you screamed like a girl and refused to touch your phone for a week because you found a spider on it " said Josh who was trying not to laugh. " Dude you told me that was Shayla who screamed because one direction started playing " said Noah who burst out laughing again. " I don't even listen to One direction " I say and turn to Sean who was red from embarrasment. By now everyone was laughing and Sean was gstaring at me not amused. I wrap my arms around him giving him a hug and he does the same. " Say one more embarrasing thing about me in front of my girlfriend and my friends, I'll tell them what happened with Santa Clause whe you were 12 " he says with a serious look. My eyes widen from that comment " okay well I'm tired goodnight " I say before running up the stairs to my room but then realize I don't know where it is. I walk back to the lobby " can someone show me where my room is." Everyone laughs " I will " said Skye then leads me up the stairs. She lef me to my room and I immediatly fell asleep the moment my head hit the pillow.

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