Chapter 4

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     Aaliyah and I were about to make our way to the lake when I hear someone call my name. I turn around to see Ethan running to catch up to us. " Hey where you guys heading " he asked smiling at me. " To the lake near by, want to come " I ask. Hos face lit up like a christmas tree " sure " he says then we start walking again. " So tell me about you guys " said Aaliyah. Ethan went first " well I'm Ethan and Ben is my older brother. Plus Shayla is my best friend " he added throwing his arm over my shoulder. " Okay well you already know my name is Shayla and that I'm Sean's little sister and Ethan is my best friend. Apparently they wanted us to be friends so I would have a friend other than a boy." " Why would they want that " asked Ethan turning me to face him. We had all stopped on the trail by now " Well Ben told Sean that you like me so now Sean has been getting over protective an-" I was going to continue but he cut me off. " Wait you knew that I liked you but you didn't say anything " he sounded hurt. " Well I didn't want our friendship to change and you shoukd known that I don't feel the same, I'm sorry." " I'm going to give you two some privacy " said Aaliyah walking away. " Ethan please don't hate me " I say seeing anger in his eyes. The anger in his eyes quickly disappeared " I can never be hate you " he says giving me a small smile " I jist wish you would have told me the truth sooner." He turned around and started to walk back to the lodge. Wow, my brother is suppose to have the drama filled life, not me. I sigh and start to walk back to the lodge.

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