Chapter 17

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    I have been walking with Ethan for about 5 minutes. I have no idea where we are because he put a blind fold on me after we left the lodge.
" Are we almost there " I ask tired of walking.
" Yes now keep walking " he said.
I did as he said and kept walking until he says " stop." I quickly stop where walking and wait on what I need to do next. He takes off my blindfold and we are standing in front of the lake.
" Okay what are we doing here " I ask as I turn around to see everyone standing there.
" Surprise " they all screamed while doing some weird jazz hands thing.
" Thank you for this but why couldn't you do it at the lodge instead of having me walking here with a blindfold on."
" Good point but your here already so we are doing it here " said Sean giving me a hug.
" Happy  birthday Lil sis " he said releasing me from the hug.
" Thanks big brother " I said looking up at him. The thing that sucks about being short is everyone towers over me. (A/n this is a real short people problem, I have that problem and so does Shayla. It sucks.😒back to story)
After they all said Happy birthday and gave me a hug, we just played around the rest of the day till the sun started setting which meant we had to go back to the lodge.
(A/n I know it short but I have to write a chapter for this story and my other one then write a new story. Gosh I'm too stressed out.)

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