Chapter 7

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     I was walking with Ethan, hand and hand, to go tell our brothers everything. We actually aren't even officially together since he never asked me to be his girlfriend. We walk into the lobby and see everyone there. Everyone was laughing and having a good time but Sean's face quickly fell when he saw us. " Shayla, what's this " he asked looking at Ethan and my hands." Well it is pretty obvious that they are a little couple, young love how cute " Noah said joking but Sean did not look amused. " Did you know about this " Sean asked a surprise looking Ben who said nothing. " Well by your reaction, I'm guessing that is a no." Ben soon realized what was happening and exchanged a look with Sean. They picked up me and Ethan then put us on opposite sides of the room. " Okay, one of you guys needs to explain this to me now " said Sean running his fingers through his hair. " Sean calm down " said Skye trying to calm down my crazy brother. " Calm down, my sister is 14 and she is dating Ben's little brother. Skye how do I calm down with that. We were all expecting it but not so soon and I heard the little conversation you had so I know you encouraged this to happen." You could tell Sean was flipping out about this but I got to admit that this is quiet entertaining. " Okay, if you expected it then why are you surprised. Yeah Skye did say I should go for it but it was going to happen anyways and all of you knew it." Sean let out of a sigh of defeat " your right, we did know it would happen and I'm sorry for flipping out " he said then turn to Skye " and sorry for getting angry at you but I just don't want my little sister getting hurt " he says before pulling her into a hug. " I would never hurt her " said Ethan giving me a small smile. Sean released Skye from the hug " you better not cause I'll come after you "he said looking Ethan in the eyes. " I missed a lot " said someone causing us all to turn around. I saw the girl from Noah's laptop screen, Kaylee.

(A/n Okay i got sick and fell asleep halfway while writing this but here is the next chapter)

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