Chapter 9

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It was now Friday and a rainy day. I actually love rainy days but most people hate them which is weird to me but they find me weird for loving them. " Shayla, it's 12, time to get up " I hear Sean say poking his head through my door. " Alright " I say getting out of the bed. I didn't feel like getting dressed up so I put on some light jeans and a hoddie with white converse. I ran down the stairs because why not but I tripped on the last step of course. I was about to hit the ground when someone catches me. Last time I tripped on the stairs, Sean caught me but it wasn't Sean. I opened my eyes and saw Ethan holding me up. I quickly get to my feet " thanks." " No problem " he says laughing. " You tripped on the stairs again didn't you " said Sean coming out of no where. " Maybe " I say and me being the clutz I am have tripped many times but Sean is always there to catch me thankfully. I always wonder how I haven't broken a bone or something. He shakes his head while laughing to himself then walks away. " By his reaction, I'm guessing you have tripped many times, haven't you " he said smirking. " Yes I have but Sean always catches me so I never get hurt but I should really stop running down the stairs." He just laughs and grabs my hand pulling me to the lobby. I see Kaylee and Noah at the front desk laughing. They looked so cute together. " Hello my second OTP " I say jumping onto the desk. " Hey Shayla and what is a OTP " asked Kaylee. " OTP stands for one true pairing and you guys are my second OTP." Kaylee gets it I think but Noah still looked confused " Wait who is your first OTP then " asked Noah. " Oh it's Skye and Sean " I say just as Skye and Sean walk in. " Okay attention everyone " Sean says as Ben, Danielle, and Josh walk in. " Well are going on a second camping trip. Hopefully this one will not end in announcing one of us leaving, no one is leaving right " he asked looking around at everyone. They all stayed quiet " okay so pack your things cause we leave tomorrow " and with that everyone rushed to get there things ready. By the time I finished packing it was already 9. I layed down on my bed and let sleep slowly overcome me.l and with that I was out.

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