Chapter 15

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( A/n Don't kill me I know this is late sorry I was busy but better late than never right ? )
Shayla's pov
Next day
   We packed up all our things and started to walk back to the lodge. It was nice to come out here and just spend time together. No drama, no craziness, well more than normal, no stress. Sean told me what had happened on the last camping trip, him and Ben finally talked about the how he kissed Skye then finding out Kaylee was leaving for the city. After 45 minutes of hiking back to to lodge, I was too tired to do anything else. I threw my stuff onto the floor and flopped down onto one of the couches in the lobby.
" Finally, I get to just lay down and relax " I say as everyone else comes in.
" How are you th- WOAH " said Noah as he tripped on my bags.
" Oh my gosh, are you okay " I say trying to contain my laughter.
He just gives me a death glare as Sean helps him up.
" Could have been worse, I fell down the stairs after I tripped on her shoes " said Sean moving my bags to the side.
" Hey, you should have watched where you were going " I say putting my hands up in defense.
" Or you could have just picked up your shoes like a normal person " he says putting down his bags on mine.
" But I'm not normal, normal is overated."
" She makes a good point " said Kaylee as she started to type things on the computer behind the front desk.
" I win " I say and run upstairs to my room before they can protest. I throw myself onto my bed and drift off to sleep.

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