Chapter 6

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      " Well I have to clean some rooms " said Skye grabbing a bunch of cleaning supplies from behind the counter. " Can I help " I ask. She gives me a surprised look " sure, let's go " she said leading me up the stairs. We get to the first room and walk inside. I turn to see Skye looking at me amused " what " I ask other of confusion. " Well you voluntarily offered to help clean rooms which is weird so what is the real reason " she asks, Sean said she was smart but not that smart. " I think I have feelings for Ethan. Is it possible to fall for you best friends and we have known each other since Sean and Ben met. We were with them when those two met. Skye, I don't know what to do. Whenever I think of him, something takes over and I start thinking of his smile and how he is always sweet. No one makes me laugh like he does and no one knows me like he does, not even Sean. If Sean finds out, he will go full protective brother and try to keep us apart then I'll loose my best friend. " By the time I finished rambling, Skye had a smile on her face. It wasn't like she wanted to laugh or anything, it was a caring smile. " You know what, your scared of losing your best friend but not from Sean separating you two but from a break up. You think if you break up, then it will be awkward and you will loose him. Well I can assure you that you won't find out if you are sitting here in a room with me instead of out there with that boy now go find him and tell him the truth." "Sean's right, you are really smart " I say before walking out the door. I run around the entire North Star Lodge looking for him. I finally find him on a bench outside the lodge. " Hey, can we talk " I ask. He smiled at me " sure." " Well here goes nothing " I think to myself as I sit next to him. " Okay I am going to say something and you can't say a single word until I say I'm done " I say looking into his eyes. He chuckled " okay." Alright, let's possibly jack up my life or make it better. " Okay so I know I told you that I don't feel the same about you but I have been thinking and I realized that I like you too Ethan." His jaw dropped and then I realized " okay now I'm done." A smile quickly grew on his face " are you serious right now cause if this is some joke, it's not funny." " It's not, I promise " I say laughing at his reaction. " Okay good " he says then starts to lean in. When he gets to close I remember Noah telling me how Kaylee blocked him with her hand which is exactly what I did. " Still only 14 plus we are not officially dating and we have to tell our brothers." " All good points but how about we go tell them now " he says intertwining our hands. I nod my head and we start walking to the lodge.

Good luck Sean!

(A/n thanks for reading my story and thank Shayla who is always telling me to write more ( your obsessed)  but seriously alright that already three chapters in a day but get ready for chapters tomorrow)

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