Chapter 11

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  ( Sean's pov) didn't see that coming did you

     We started setting up as soon as we got to the camp and Shayla of course had fallen asleep already.
" She seriously was that tired " said Noah setting up the tent.
" Shayla gets tired easily. She once started falling asleep when we had to walk home and ended up falling so I had to carry her. She is basically that little sleepy dwarf."
I looked at my little sister curled up in a ball, asleep on the ground. She looked so peaceful for once. I feel someone grab my hand which causes me to turn my head. I see sky smiling up at me.
" Your a good big brother " she said hugging me.
I wrap my arms around her " thank you but she is going to hate me when I get protective now that she is dating Ethan " I say looking at Ben messing around with Ethan.
" I doubt she will hate you and if she does, she will eventually understand that you are only doing it to keep her safe."
Skye was right, I have always been over protective but she knew that I always wanted what was best for her. But then I remember one time when she got mad at me and yelled ' I hate you ' then didn't talk to me for a month. She eventually got over it but she was only 8 and what 8 year old can hold a grudge for a month. I need to protect her but not too much to where she gets mad.
" Hey lovebirds, a little help " yelled Josh helping Noah set up the tents. I let Skye out of the hug and went to go help the guys while she helped the girls make a fire. I turn to Shayla and see a small smile on her face which makes me smile. I know Ethan won't hurt her but I'm still going to watch him and protect her.

( A/n Okay so I have decided to post 9 more chapters on this story but will have a sequel but I also want to write another story so if you want me to write something comment your idea )

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