Chapter 10

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( Shayla's pov )
I woke up to the sound of someone pounding on my door.
" Shayla get up, we leave in 15 min so get dressed and meet us downstairs " said a voice that was probably Sean.
I was too sleepy to process what was happening at the moment. Then the door opened revealing Sean
" I'm gonna take these cause you might trip and fall " he said as he grabbed my bags.
He was right, I would have probably have fallen down the stairs if I carried them. I got ready as fast as I could but considering I was still half asleep, it still took me a little bit. After 10 min of getting ready, I walked down the stairs because I didn't feel like falling today.
" Let's go " I said yawning walking into the lobby.
Everyone was already there probably waiting for me.
" Okay the hike should take us at least an hour so Shayla might fall asleep when we get there " said Sean smirking at me.
He isn't wrong, I probably will fall asleep on the way there. I feel someone grab my hand so I turn to my left and see Ethan standing there smiling but he was looking ahead. I looked forward and saw Skye looking at us. She was smiling at me which I returned then she returned her attention back to Sean. They were playing and laughing with eachother. Kaylee and Noah were just talking, probably deciding what is going to happen since they finally told eachother how they feel. If they don't end a couple, there will be a lecture coming their way. Ben had Danielle on his back, she must have gotten tired already since we had been walking for 15 min straight. How am I not tired yet, I should have collapsed on the ground from exhaustion by now. After 45 minutes of non-stop hiking, we finally made it to the campsite. Sean was right because as soon as we got there, I put my stuff down and fell asleep using my backpack as a pillow.

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