Chapter 5

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     After about 5 minutes of walking, I make it back to the lodge. I see Noah at the front desk on his laptop looking upset. I walk behind the desk so I am standing next to him. I see a picture of a girl with Noah in the back. " Was she your girlfriend " I ask him. " Unfortunately no, by the time we both admitted our feelings, she was accepted for some music school in the city. I remember the day before she left, I tried to kiss her but she blocked my with her hand " he says smiling " I just miss her so much Shayla." I felt bad for him, the person you like leaving you like that after telling you how they feel. Okay that messed up but so is life. " You know what, we need to distract you from this with doing anything else. How about work since you are suppose to be working." His eyes go wide " that's right I work here and I was suppose to go help Skye with clenaing the rooms " he says before running off. I laugh at him as he runs to the stairs. " Hey " I hear from behind me. I turn around to see Skye standing there. " Wait a minute, Noah just left to go help you clean rooms but you're here right now." She starts to laugh " he was suppose to help me with that an hour ago." I start to laugh as well " why are all the boys stupid. " Hey " I hear offended voices behind me. I turn and see all the boys standing there " this is a argument you can't win." " Oh yeah " said Sean raising his eyebrow " Skye, do you think we are stupid " he asks. " Do you remember you storming out of the room trying to do a dramatic exit but ended up leaving all you cleaning supplies in the room so think before you ask me to answer that question " she says while Sean looks embarrassed. " Okay so not one of my best moments that was one thing since you got here " he says. She just smiles and walks to him giving him a hug. They way they act around each other is the way I act with Ethan. But that doesn't change anything. No matter how perfect his smile is or his great perso- wait snap out of it Shayla, you can't be falling for your best friend. Wait am I ?

Drama life at the lodgeWhere stories live. Discover now