Chapter 8

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     ( A/n sorry for the cliffhanger but here is the next chapter and if you forgot I ended it off with Kaylee coming back.... Surprise I guess)

    " I missed a lot " I hear a voice say. I turn to see the girl from Noah's laptop screen, Kaylee. Noah immediately ran to her. He picked her up and spun her around while she laughed. " I missed you so much Kayls " he says holding her in a tight hug. " I missed you too, all of you but who is she " Kaylee asked pointing at me. " That's my little sister, Shayla " said Sean putting his arm around me. " Oh well hello and I have one thing to ask " she says turning to Skye " Did you choose yet." Skye just laughs " Yeah I did, I chose Sean " she said proudly. " Finally cause I didn't want to come back and it was all awkward between you three " said Kaylee walking back to Noah who instantly threw his arm around her. " Actually we have something to tell you guys " said Ben looking at Danielle who was just walking through the door. Everyone looked extremely confused as Ben wrapped his arm around Danielle's waist. " Danielle and I are together " he said with a big smile. Everyone started to clap and cheer but I was still confused of what was happening. Okay let's make a list of events that has happened today

1- I told Ethan how I felt and we are together I guess now

2- We told Ben and Sean who didn't take it well at first but gave in

3- Kaylee came back but who knows for how long

4- Ben and Danielle are together ( did not see that coming huh ? )

And thats about it I guess.

" So how long are you staying for Kaylee ?" " Oh well the thing is, I'm staying for good. As much as I love music, I am not a city girl and I missed this place and you guys to much " she said looking at Noah.

5- Kaylee came back for good

Noah and Kaylee are just so cute together if they are together. Noah said they told eachother how they felt but she blocked him when he tried to kiss her but I did the same thing to Ethan.... Whoops. Speaking of Ethan, I need to figure out what we are. I'll figure it out later. Right now, we are all happy because Kaylee is back for good plus Ben and Danielle are a couple.

(A/n most ideas for the story comes from little ideas my friend and I had when we watched the first season and I pretty much just write what comes to my head. If you don't like it you don't have to read it.)

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