Who Are You?

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My name is Mazakeen Graham, but all my friends call me Maze. I'm a sophomore at McKinley High and I'm in the Glee club. I wasn't much of a people person when I came to McKinley a few months ago. All I would do was go to school and head home with my mom.

But one day, I met Rachel Berry and Blaine Anderson - more like they heard me sing on the way to class - and they told me to audition for the Glee club. I thought they were joking with me and auditioned anyway. Apparently,  Mr. Schuester said I had a fantastic audition and let me join. Rachel was literally clapping with glee - no pun intended - and began introducing me to everyone.  I mostly got along with Finn, Mercedes, Santana, and Kurt. Other than that, I would just talk to everyone else if necessary.

The Glee club's doing West Side Story and Blaine wanted me to go with him to Dalton to give the Warblers - his old club - tickets to the show. I kept my head down, trying not to draw attention, as Blaine gave me the tour of the school, the all boys school. The place is pretty amazing.

"And this is the exact spot where I met Kurt." He said as we walked down the spiral steps.

"Wow. Dalton is pretty sick, Blaine." I said.

He turned and smiled, "If you like Dalton, wait till you meet the Warblers. They are the rock stars of Dalton Academy."

I let out a nervous laugh, "Um, I don't think I should -"

"Don't be silly. They'll love you."

"I wouldn't count on it." I mumbled.

We walked to their practice room to find them singing Uptown Girl.


Uptown girl (Uptown girl)

She's been living in her white bread world (White bread world)

As long as anyone with hot blood can (Hot blood can)

And now she's looking for a downtown man (Downtown man)

That's what I am

And when she knows what she wants from her time 

And when she wakes up

And makes up her mind

This guy noticed Blaine and me in the room. He held on to my gaze before he got up from the couch.

She'll see I'm not so tough

Just because I'm in love

The guy came over and pulls Blaine with him, not before sending me a wink. I quickly looked down to hide my blush. Blaine started dancing with them.

With an uptown girl

You know can't afford to buy her pearls

But maybe someday when my ship comes in

She'll understand what kind of guy I've been

And then I'll win

The main guy singing noticed me standing at the doorway. He gestures for the Warblers to come over. I got nervous and backed out of the room, but that didn't stop them.

And when she's walking

She's looking so fine

The one who pulled Blaine came up to me.

And when she's talking

She'll say that she's mine

I felt my cheeks flush again. I turned around to head back to the room, but the Warblers circled around me.

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