Come To The Dance With Me?

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Rachel got really excited when I told her about my Vocal Valentine. Finn gave her one and she got excited for the both of us. I asked Sam and Mercedes who's this so-called secret admirer, but they don't know. I even told her that when she started bombarding me with questions.

"How do they not know who it is?" She asked as we walked down the hallway.

I shrugged my shoulders. "They said the guy paid some other guy to buy it."

Rachel got her thinking face. "This guy's smart. Who do you think it is?"

The only person I could think about sending me a Vocal Valentine is Maxwell, but he's locked up. "I really don't know. I can't think of anyone who would be interested in me."

Rachel's mouth flew open. "Maze, you can't think that. You are a lovely person. You're artistic, creative. A bit shy, but some guys like that. Before I met Finn, I never thought anyone would like me."

"That's different. You're you and I'"

She sighed. "I hate admitting this, but what about Sebastian?"

I shook my head. "No, it can't be him. He doesn't know about the dance. Not only that, everyone in Glee club hates him for what he did. You saw the way Kurt was when he found out Sebastian and I hung out. How'd you think he'll feel if Sebastian and I started dating?" Not that we will.

Rachel gave me a sad look. "Well, if you see something good in him, then maybe I'll give him a chance for you. You seemed really happy whenever he texted you."

I tucked my hair behind my ear. "I wish it was that easy. But things have changed." Rachel opened her mouth as we entered the music room. "Can we just drop this, please? It's not him."

Rachel nodded before she went over to Finn. And just like that she had a big smile on her face. I shook my head and smiled at the couple before taking a seat. Then Kurt strutted in with a card in his hand.

"Look what I just found in my locker!" He sang. "Bee Mine Forever, from your Secret Honey. I swear, that Blaine is such a romantic."

Santana scrunched up her face when she say Finn and Rachel kiss. "Horrifying."

Mr. Shue came in. "Finn, Rachel, come on, that's enough." The couple pulled away. "Everyone, sit down, uh, listen up. Rory has the floor."

Mr. Shue sat down as Rory looked at us. "I've been trying to get my student visa extended, so I can spend junior year at McKinley," Rory started. "But I just found out the request was turned down. So when the school year ends, I'll have to go back to Ireland." My mouth flew open. What? Rory can't move back. "I miss my family so much, but you guys have become my second family. This song reminds me of you guys much I've grown to love each and every single one of you, and how thankful I am that you've made a place, 3,000 miles away from Ireland, feel like home."


Another summer day has come and gone away

In Paris and Rome

But I wanna go home

Mm, home

Maybe surrounded by a million people I

Still feel all alone

Just wanna go home

Oh, I miss you, you know

And I've been keeping all the letters

That I wrote to you

Each one a line or two

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