Hard Slap

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The past few weeks with Sebastian have been great. One of us would sneak to the other's house or we would go to another town over for our date. When we said no one should know, we actually met no one. I haven't told my mom and he hasn't told his parents. No one from New Direction knows and the Warblers only think I'm just a friend hanging out with him.

Right now, I was with Rachel and Kurt at the Lima Bean looking over wedding dresses. Rachel couldn't stop ogling each picture for her upcoming wedding. "Oh, this is good," She said.

I shook my head. "It's beautiful, but I don't think it would really show your figure well."

She turned the page. "What about this one?"

I picked up the page as I looked at the tight white mermaid dress. "No. You need something that puffs out at the waist. But not too much, we wouldn't want the bride to look like a cupcake."

She nodded before she turned a few pages. She pointed at one with some flower pattern on the skirt. "I like this one. It's so timeless, it's perfect." Maybe not the design, but yeah.

Kurt sighed before he took a sip of his coffee. "Yeah, timeless, meaning you can wait two or five years to wear it." He looked at me. "And you can stop supporting her on this."

I shrugged my shoulders. "It's their decision. If this is what they really want to do then we should be there for them."

Rachel gave me a grateful smile as she placed her hand on my arm. "Thank you, Maze."

I returned her smile. "Just don't make me wear a pink frilly dress."

We let out a little laugh until Sebastian came up to us. It took everything in me to not smile at him, no matter how much I want to. He send a little smirk my way which made my chest beat a little faster than usual. Ugh, stop it, Maze. We're suppose to act like we're not dating.

"Well, well, well," He said. "If it isn't a young Barbra Streisand, an old Betty White, and the female Gopher. Where is Gay Cyclopes? Still trying to stumble his way in?"

Ok, I know we agreed to talk to each other like we 'normally' would, but the name calling is really uncalled for. Not to mention that it was his fault that Blaine needed that eye patch in the first place.

I gripped my coffee a little tight. "He's fine, thanks for asking," I said with a bit of venom in my voice.

Kurt scoffed before looking at Rachel and me. "We can't come here anymore."

Sebastian ignored us and passed Rachel a manila envelope. "Rachel, I, uh, brought you an engagement gift for you." How did he know about it? I didn't even tell him.

Rachel slowly took it. Kurt and I scoot closer to her as she opened it. My eyes widen when she pulled out a very Photoshopped picture of Finn in all his naked glory wearing pumps. I quickly looked away. What the hell, Sebastian?!

"Whoa. Oh, whoa, whoa!"

"Oh, my god!"

"Oh, my eyes. My eyes!"

We all covered the small penis in the photo. "Oh, no, that is...that is Photoshopped. His thing is not that small or...or brown," Rachel almost yelled.

"And he could never fit into those pumps," Kurt added.

I nodded. "And his head looks way too big for this body."

Sebastian did his evil smirk. "Just think, from now until eternity, every time someone googles Finn Hudson, they'll be treated to that and dozens just like it. That's the beauty of the internet. It stays with us forever."

I gripped my coffee a bit more tighter than necessary. My cup broke and my hand started to burn from my coffee as it falls on the ground. I let out a little grunt as Rachel, Kurt, and I got up. Kurt quickly ran over with a few napkins and started to dab it on my hand, that started to turn red.

"What do you want, Sebastian?" Rachel asked as she grabbed some wipes from her bag and quickly gave them to me. Thank, god, she keeps some in her bag.

I could tell that Sebastian wanted to come over and see if I was ok, but he couldn't. Good. I would have slapped him with it and hope he gets burn.

"I want a guaranteed Regionals win, so I want you to drop out," He said. Really, he's willing to ruin Finn's life over Regionals?! "McKinley gets home-court advantage this year. You're going to come down with Asian bird flu or whatever Tina Blowing-Wang just had." I glared at him. He did not just insult Tina.

"But that is show choir terrorism."

"You give a bad name to the entire gay community," Kurt said.

"And you give the gay community cutting-edge fashion that's usually seen on Puerto Rican pride floats," Sebastian barked back.

I clenched my fist. "At least he hast some and doesn't wear a stupid -" yet attractive "- uniform. Do you wear it on weekends too or do you have your mom pick out your clothes?"

"At least I know who my real mom is."

My mouth flew open. I only told Sebastian and Kurt that, no one else from New Directions know. God, I didn't even tell them about Kurt. Good thing I didn't, he probably would have brought that up. I took deep breathes. Calm down, calm down.

"What is he talking about, Maze?" Rachel asked.

I shook my head at Sebastian before I looked at Rachel. "My mom -"

Sebastian smirked. "Her mom isn't really Rebecca Graham. Maze's mom died while giving birth to her, lucky her."

Kurt glared at him while he crossed his arms. "Why you little -"

Kurt didn't finish because I brought my hand out and slapped Sebastian across his face. He looked surprise by my action, probably everyone else too, but I don't care. I pointed at him. "Who my mom is is none of your business," I sneered.

Ok, I don't know why he's acting like this, but I can't be near him. I scoffed at him before I grabbed my bag. I glared at him one last time before I purposely bumped his shoulder and marched out of there. The more I'm near him, the more I just want to punch him. This is a new low even for him and I don't like it.

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