I Have A What?

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I was adding the final touches to my makeup. I told Artie that I would meet him at the Sugar Shack. I tried to dress up, but dresses weren't really my style. I only did it because Rachel practically squealed when I told her I was going and she wanted me to.

I was busy with my makeup, I didn't notice my mom walking in

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I was busy with my makeup, I didn't notice my mom walking in. I mean, this woman come in. This is the first time in days since I've seen her. I knew I had to talk to her sometime...I just didn't want it to be today.

She had a big smile as she came closer. "Maze, you look beautiful," She said.

I didn't look up. "Thanks."

"You could use a bit more blush." She spun my chair around and grabbed the brush before dabbing the powder across my cheekbones. I didn't look at her. "The pink really suits you."

I shrugged her off. I got up from my seat and grabbed my shoes. I can't be in the same room with her. I never thought in a million years that my 'mom' would lie to me. "I should be heading out. Artie's waiting and Santana would kill me if we don't get pictures together."

"Remember curfew. I want you home at 11."

I grabbed my bag. "Whatever."

She gave me a look. "Whatever. What do you mean by whatever?"

I went out my room with her following. "Exactly as it sounds. Whatever. I'll get home whenever."

We made it down the stairs and I went to get my jacket. I was about to head out the door, but she blocked my path. "No, you know the rules. I want you here by 11."

I rolled my eyes. "I'll come home when I feel like it."

She held her hand up. "Excuse me? You did not just tell me that. I don't know what's wrong with you, Mazakeen..." Great, the full name scolding. "...but you don't speak to your mother that way."

I bit my lip. I couldn't hold it in anymore. "Well, she's not here now, is she? Instead, some stranger is talking to her adoptive daughter." I made sure to sneer the word adoptive.

Her eyes went wide. She crossed her arms while she stuttered, "I - I don't know what -"

I glared at her. "Cut the crap, Mom. I know. Maxwell told me everything. How could you not tell me? Were you ever going to tell me?"

Mom nodded. "I was going to tell you when you turned 18." She tried to grab my hands but I pulled them away. I tried not to look at her. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. "Maze, I didn't want you to find out this way."

"That's what they all say," I mumbled. "My parents didn't want a screw up for a daughter, so they gave me away."

I didn't notice that I started crying until Mom used her thumbs to wipe them away. "No, no, no. Your mother loved you with all her heart. I was there when she gave birth to you. She was in so much pain, but the moment she had you in her arms she was happy."

Loved? Was? I didn't want to know what happened to her, but I couldn't stop myself from asking, "What happened to her?"

Mom bit her lip before she started sobbing. "Your mom lost so much blood. The doctors tried everything they can to save her, but they were too late. They were going to put you in foster care, but I didn't want that for you. I agreed to be your guardian and signed the adoption papers."

"Wha - what about my dad?" The look on her face told me everything I need to know. "He never knew."

"Your mom didn't want to tell him. He had a girlfriend at the time. Your mom found out and was so angry with him, he didn't want him to know anything about you."

"Tha - that's not right. He should know. I - I need to find him. I'll talk to you later."

I walked around her and went for the door. My door was barley on the handle when she spoke. "You already found him."

I spun around. "No, I didn't."

She brought her lip back as she placed her hand over her chest. "You did. You just haven't known it. He actually lives around here."

I went closer to her. "Mom, who is it?"

"It's - It's Burt. Burt Hummel."

My mouth flew open. "Wh - what?" Hummel? "So - so..."

Mom nodded. "Yeah, Maze. Kurt is your brother."


I tried to wipe the smudges off my face as I made my way towards Sugar Shack. Kurt...is my brother. Half brother, if you want to get technical. Is this why, out of all places for us to move to, she chose Ohio? I want to tell Kurt, I really do, but I don't know how he'll take it. This is the most shocking news anyone could get.

Ok, tonight, no drama. This is about having fun with my friends at a dance. Or party? Or whatever? I got out of the car and made my way towards the entrance. I wasn't even near before I felt someone pull my arm and away.

I was about to scream, but a hand covered my mouth. "Hey, hey, hey, it's me," Said a voice I know all too well.

I pushed Sebastian's hand away. "What are you doing here?" I whispered.

"You weren't answering any of my calls of messages."

"Yeah, there's a reason for that. I don't want to talk to you."

"But I want to talk to you. Maze, I know what I did was reckless and stupid. I only did it -"

"Because you're the new leader of the Warblers and you're tired of playing nice," I mocked his words. "I get it Sebastian, you'll do anything to win. Whatever it is, I want nothing to do with it."

I was about to walk away when he grabbed my hand. "Did you at least get my Vocal Valentine?"

My eyes widen. "That was you? How did you know we were having a dance? How did Sam, Mercedes, and Quinn let you pay for it because you're...well, you?"

"I paid some guy to give them a message. I knew they were rip it up if it came from me."

That's - that's really sweet of him. I hate to admit that and I hate to admit that it means a lot. But I have to stand my ground. For the team. "Maybe they should have. I can't never be with someone who would do that to my friends."

Sebastian's eyes softens. "Maze..."

He came closer, but I held my hand up. "Don't. Just...stay away from me."

I gave him one last look before heading inside. So much for no drama.


A/N:  Short crappy chapter, I apologize.

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