Why Kurt Why?

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"There's my sketchbook." I mumbled. I pulled it out of my locker to place it in my bag.

"Maze!" I hear Rachel yell for me.

I sighed as I closed my locker and began walking away. She caught up with me. "I already told you, Rachel. I can't pick between you and Kurt. It be weird voting for one and not the other."

"I understand that. I just wanted to ask if you're still tutoring Finn today?"

"Yeah. Why?" I asked slowly.

She stopped in front of me. I swear this girl has enough pep for the both of us. "I wanted to know if you could cancel it for me."

"Again, why?"

She looked around the halls before leaning closer, "I was thinking about having some alone time with him. You know alone alone."

My eyes widen, "Oh. Oh. You want to...tonight."

"Yes, and I really want this night to be special. So, can you -"

I nodded, "Sure. Just use protection. We don't little Finn babies running down the hall."

She squealed as she hugged me, "Thank you, Maze."

I awkwardly patted her back, "Rach."

"Sorry, I know you're not a big huger."

"It's fine. I just need to get use to it, especially if it's around you."

She smiled at me before heading off to her final class. I groaned as I continued to walk down the hallway. Kurt came up next to me, "What's got you all mopey?"

"It's nothing. I just have my evening free."

He smiled, "Great, you can come to Lima Bean with me."


"See, I like this one the most." Kurt said as he looked through my sketchbook.

I grabbed it back, "I don't know. I feel like the makeup effect in this is kinda weak. Like I want it to be realistic."

He gave me a smile, "Maze, you are going to be the best special effects artist ever. And if somehow that doesn't work, you could still go to NYU with Rachel and me. You have an amazing voice, you'd get full scholarship."

I bit my lip, "I'm not sure singing is my career choice."

"Don't be so modest. You'll -" Kurt trailed off and grabbed my arm. "Is that Blaine?"

I looked over and in fact I do see Blaine...with Sebastian. My chest began to pound a little as I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. "Yeah."

I didn't say anything else because Kurt pulled me along with him. "He's really great." We heard Blaine.

"Who's really great?" Kurt smiled.

Blaine looked like a deer caught in the headlights, "You! We were just talking about you." He looked at Sebastian. "Sebastian, this is Kurt, my boyfriend, who I was just..."

Sebastian cut him off, "Got it."

Kurt placed his hand out for Sebastian to shake. I could literally see the steam coming out of Kurt's ears. "Pleasure. And how do we know Sebastian?"

"We met at Dalton. Was dying to meet Blaine. Those Warblers just won't shut up about him. Didn't think he could live up to the hype, but as it turns out..."

Kurt sat down next to Blaine and made sure he wrapped his arm around his, "Yes, he's even more impressive in the flesh."

So I had to sit down next to Sebastian. He smiled at me, "Nice to see you again, Maze."

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