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I'm starting to wish I haven't told my mom about Maxwell's notes. She's constantly looking over our shoulder and wouldn't let me leave her side. I couldn't even use the bathroom unless I had a taser with me.

"Mom, is this really necessary?" I asked as we got our coffee's. She decided to drop me off at school today instead of Kurt - like he does every morning.

She was looking around Lima, "I'm just making sure Max's not -"

"It's Maxwell, for one. Two, he just left me those notes. He hasn't done anything to me, yet."

"Key word, yet. Honey, I don't want that son of a bitch near you after what he did. He could have killed you -"

I cut her off again, "But, he didn't."

"Yeah, if I hadn't gotten home on time when the neighbors called me. You were traumatized. I had to take you to therapy. Maze, he cut his na-"

"Mom, please, can we just drop it? I don't want to talk about it."

She sighed, "Honey, we will get him and this will all be over."

"That's what you said last time."

She was about to talk again, but I just shook my head and walked towards the entrance. We were near the door when someone called my name.


I turned around and my chest started pounding when Sebastian came over. His smile that gets me every time I see him. "Hey, Sebastian." I said with a small smile.

"How are you? The last time we talked you seem a bit shaken up."

I ignored my mom's confused glance. Kill me, now. "Yeah. Um, I was - uh - feeling a little bit under the weather."

"But, you're ok?"

I nodded, "Yeah. Much." I really need to get out of here. It sucks I can't really have a nice conversation with him with my mom here. She'll embarrass me - even if it's not her intention. "Hey, um, sorry to cut this short, but , um, I really need to get to school."

He seem a bit disappointed, "Oh. Well, I'll text you later then." I nodded. He was about to walk away when he noticed my mom. "Oh, who's this? You're sister?"

My mom chuckled. She leaned towards me and whispered, "I like him already." She smiled before placing her hand out. "Rebecca Graham. Mazakeen's mother."

I inwardly groaned. Please, put me out of my misery. Sebastian shook her hand, "Sebastian Smythe. I wouldn't peg you to be a mother at such a young age. Let alone Maze's."

"She mostly got it from her dad." Her next words make me want to crawl in a hole. "Sebastian, would you like to have dinner with us this Friday?" What the hell is she doing?!

I let out a nervous chuckle, "Mom, I'm sure Sebastian has more important things to do than have dinner with us." I gave him a look. I hope he understands that he should say no.

He smiled, "No, I'm free. I would love to have dinner." Someone shoot me.

"Great. How about 7?" Mom said. "Maze can send you the address." Will someone shut her up, please?

"7 sounds just fine." Sebastian smiled at me. "So, I'll see you Friday."

I gave a sarcastic smile, "See you."

He walked towards the line. He looked back at me and send a quick wink when my mom walked out. I started to blush as I made my way out. "I can't believe you did that!" I scolded her the moment I entered the car.

She gave me an innocent look, "What? I'm just inviting one of your friends over for dinner. Rachel, Blaine, and Kurt had dinner with us."

I gave her a disbelieving look, "Mom, Sebastian isn't even my friend."

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