I Gotta Feeling

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I swear Lima has the most weirdest names for places. Sebastian took me to this place called Beatz. This wasn't a bar of any kind. It was just a dance club. When we got out of the car, he took off his Warbler blazer and put on a nice jacket instead.

"Have you been here before?" I asked nervously.

He smiled at me, "A few times. You're going to love it here."

"I'm not sure about that. And I apologize if I embarrass myself."

He chuckled, "Maze, trust me, you're not going to embarrass yourself."

We made our way inside. There were lights flashing everywhere. People were dancing. The place was almost packed. I noticed the way some of the girls were dressing. Short dresses, a lot of makeup. I looked down at my outfit.

"I think I'm under dressed for this." I pointed out.

Sebastian shook his head, "You look perfect." This caused my cheeks to redden.

My chest started pounding when he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the bar. He gestured for two drinks and the bartender handed him two cups. He handed me one and smiled before drinking his. I smiled back before taking a sip. I thought it'd be something with alcohol, but it's just coke.

"No alcohol this time?" I teased.

He shrugged his shoulders, "I wouldn't be making a good impression if I brought the daughter of a cop home drunk, now would I?"

"Well, my mom already likes you since that compliment."

"I actually did thought she was your sister. She's a bit young to be a mother."

"She had me when she was younger."

He placed his drink down, "Ok, enough talk about mothers." He smiled before grabbing my hand. "Let's dance."

I placed my drink down. Remember the moves Sam taught you and you'd be fine. Just remember to have fun. Sam's words repeated in my head. We walked through the crowd and Sebastian began dancing. I started swaying a bit to the beat. Left foot first.

I moved my left foot before I started the first move Sam showed. I moved my arms to do a little wave before my body did the same. I jumped and did a quick cross before I spun around. Sebastian smiled at me before he grabbed my hands. He pushed me back a little before pulling me forward and twirling me around.

I chuckled when both his arms were wrapped around my waist. We started dancing to the beat of the music. Sebastian twirled me around again before he started dancing. "Remember this?" He said before he started to shimmy like Kurt did a few weeks back.

I chuckled as I did the same thing. "Remember this?" I asked before I did that little dance he did when we first met.

Sebastian started to laugh. I thought I wasn't going to have fun, but I am. I guess I really didn't need Sam's dance moves. Sebastian came closer and body rolled. I covered my face and laughed. I looked up at him and did the same thing.

The beat of the music changed.

(Sebastian) (Me) (Both)

I gotta feeling

That tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a good, good night

A feeling

That tonight's gonna be a good night

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