I Won't Give Up

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I can't believe it. Kurt's my brother, Sebastian is my secret admirer, my birth mother died after labor. I just can't deal with anything right now. But I have to. Just for tonight.

I made my way inside Sugar Shack and immediately spot Kurt, Rachel, Mercedes, Artie, Santana, and Brittney near one of the tables. I went over in a hurry towards Kurt and pulled him into a bone brushing hug.

"Maze, can't breathe," He said as he patted my shoulder. I mumbled a quick sorry before pulling away. "Not that I love your hugs or anything, but what was that for?"

Because I just found out you're my brother, but I can't tell you without telling your dad that he is technically my dad, too. "I just felt like in a hugging mood that's all," I lied before sitting next to Artie." Wow, looking good, Artie."

"Thanks," He said.

Sugar walked up on stage and began tapping the microphone. "Testing. Testing. Testing. Testing." When she figured out the microphone worked she got so pumped up. "What up, McKinley?!" We started to clap. "Welcome to the Sugar Shack! Everyone look under your chairs, except you, Artie. Yours is in the potted plant right behind you."

And Artie wanted her to be his date, why? I got up and went towards the plant before handing him the heart shape cheese with a few coupons. I went under my seat and grabbed mines.

Sugar continued. "Attached to a Hickory Hills Cheese Heart are gift certificates worth $200 each for Bed, Bath, and Beyond, Panda Express, and Lima Mall Swatch Watch kiosk!" Wow, this must have caused Sugar a fortune. "I would like to thank my daddy for making tonight possible. And P.S: he's not in the mafia." I'm pretty sure no one thought that. "Now last minute changes. Because I'm a sucker for a love story, and I always wanted to be a fairy godmother, we have a special guest for Maze."

People started to cheer. "Ooh, someone has a crush on Maze," Rachel teased.

My eyes widen. I'm pretty sure I know who it is. I got up from my spot and was about to leave, but Sugar's voice cut me off. "Give it up for Sebastian."

I froze in place as Sebastian went towards the stage. "What's he doing here?" Kurt practically sneered.

"He - he was the one who send me my Vocal Valentine," I mumbled.

"He what?!" The whole table shouted. Rachel looked a bit happy, Kurt and Santana looked piss off, Mercedes and Artie looked just as shock, Brittney didn't know what was going on. I looked at the rest of the New Directions in the room. They either looked shocked or piss.

Before I could move, Sebastian grabbed the microphone. "Maze, Maze, wait." I slowly looked towards him. "I know what I did is wrong, but I can't change what happened. It's done. But you need to know that hurting you was never my intention. I hate seeing you hurt and I hope you can see that. I want nothing more than to prove that you mean so much to me."

There were a few awes from the audience, but everyone in New Direction - except Rachel - was glaring at him. "Maze, don't tell me you're believing this?" Kurt asked.

My chest started to pound as the room started getting smaller. "N - No."

Sebastian looked around the audience until his gaze met mine. "Look, Maze. You are very special and it's taking me a lot of guts to come up here -"

"Get off the stage!" Puck yelled.

"And admit that I won't give up on you. I won't give up on us."

He nodded towards one of the guitar players from behind him and they began playing. What was Sugar thinking? Letting him on stage knowing that half of the people here hate him.

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