We Get That A lot

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Rachel's plan to sleep with Finn was a complete fail. She grabbed Santana, Tina, Quinn, and me to have a secret meeting about it. I'm not even surprise that she brought her own gavel.

"Finn and I were...almost intimate." She said nervously.

"Almost? What happened?" Tina asked.

"He ran out."

I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrow at her, "And why would he run out?" Unless the guy isn't ready, they wouldn't turn down sex. "Better question, what did you do?"

"I wanted my performance of Maria to be realistic as possible and when he found out that's why I was doing it, he got really, really hurt."

I sighed as I pinched the bridge of my nose, "Really, Rach? That is not cool."

Quinn nodded her head, "I agree with Virgin Mary." She ignored the glare I sent her. "Do you want my advice?" Rachel nodded. "Just wait."

"Just wait?" Rachel asked.

"Look what happened to me."

"You could've used protection." Tina pointed out.

"I'm not just talking about getting pregnant, I'm - I'm talking about losing something that you can never get back. It changes you. It makes everything more complicated."

Santana stopped filing her nail, "I also think that you should wait. Speaking from experience, Finn is terrible in bed."

"I agree with Santana." I added. "Except the part that Finn is terrible in bed." My eyes widen when I realized what I just said. "Not that I would know. Because, um, we never would do that - and I'm just gonna stop before I embarrass myself more."

Santana continued on saying that doing it with Finn was like doing it with a sweaty sack of potatoes with body spray. I might like Santana as a friend, but I wish she could just dial it down a notch. Rachel decided that she should wait.

Tina smiled, "Loosing my virginity was a great experience for me...because I was with someone I love. It happened this summer. Mike and I had talked about it for awhile, because we knew that the first time was gonna be something we'd want to remember forever. And when that moment came...we just knew. It was right. It wasn't rushed. It was amazing. He's my first love. And I'll always look back at that moment as absolutely perfect...no regrets."


After hours of Kurt rummaging through my closet, we finally arrived. "I can't believe I'm doing this." I mumbled.

"Don't worry, Maze. You look great." Kurt said with a smile before taking out his fake ID. "Chazz Donaldsworth? This doesn't even look like me."

"Don't worry. Mine says I'm 38. They'll work." Blaine said as we walked to the door.

I took out my ID, "Maybe for you two. Mine's a redhead."

"This will work, Maze."

Which it did. The bouncer let us in no problem. I took in my surrounding. There was a pool table, a bar, and drag queens. My chest began to hurt when I remember that my friend Diego back home would dress up. I miss him so much, but after everything with...I just had to move away.

"It's not very scandalous..." Blaine said as we walked further in.

Kurt looked like he didn't want to be here but kept a smile on his face, "Au contraire. Look at all the, uh, glamorous drag queens. Look, there's uh, Cher and Tina Turner, and uh, uh...is that Lucy or Reba?"

"Just admit it, Kurt. You don't want to be here." I said. To be honest I don't either. I rather be home and watch Friends. We scanned the crowd and spot Sebastian near the bar.

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