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I was so disappointed when Elliot had to leave. He did laugh with he came home with my mom and found Sebastian handcuffed to my bed. The best lie I could come up with is a magic trick gone wrong. That we found it on the internet and thought we'd give it a shot. I don't know if she bought it or not, but she didn't say anything.

Elliot's visit did cheer me up though. I really needed it. He got my mind off the whole 'Burt being my dad and him not accepting me' thing. And things gotten back to normal with me and Kurt, who I actually with to school today besides Sebastian. Apparently, we had to get to Glee club early for some sort of big announcement.

"Kurt and Blaine and I are throwing an anti-prom party," Rachel said excitedly.

The whole room looked at each other in confusion. An anti-prom party?

"What's an anti-prom party?" Mercedes unmasked my thoughts.

"It's a party for those of us who maybe feel a little, you know, disenfranchised by the actual prom. And I got us a hotel room at Lima's best hotel, Red Rooster Express Suite, and everyone's invited."

Wait, so Rachel wants to throw an anti-prom? As much as I love her, but that sounds really...ridiculous. Prom is suppose to be something you remember forever. I get she's still upset about her audition, but come on. An anti-prom? Again, it sounds stupid...but Rachel is my friend. If this is something she really wants to do then I'll support her.

Quinn looked at Finn. "You're supporting this?"

"I'm supporting her, and I'll be there as soon as I'm done fulfilling my...obligations," he said.

I nodded. "I'm in, too." Rachel smiled while she did a little clap. "But the theme better not be something to counteract the dinosaur Robots. Or a comedic horror film." I sat up straight and talked in a creepy voice. "Ooo, I'm from the IRS here to collect your taxes!" Then another voice. "I'm the mother-in-law coming over to visitttt!"

"Maze, I would appreciate if you stop because that's scaring me," Brittney said. Santana and I exchanged a look.

Kurt let out a light chuckle as he walked towards the center. "Actually, the mood will be celebratory, the food will be catered, the libations will be plentiful, and the dress code will be creative black tie."

Ooh, Rachel doesn't like that. "Optional, optional, optional." I have to admit, anti-prom started to sound like fun. "And keeping up with the anti-prom theme, everyone is welcome, and unlike the actual prom, which ends at 11 p.m., ours goes until the wee hours of the night. It's where the fun's at, you guys."

Santana looked annoyed with this. "Okay, how is everyone 'welcome' when this is clearly just a party for you and the two gay Winklevii twins?"

"Actually, Santana, we've invited most of McKinley's underclassmen."

"And by 'underclassmen,' you mean Becky?" I asked amusingly.

"No," she dragged out. She did.

Puck nodded. "I'm in."

"But what about your tradition of trying to spike Coach Sylvester's punch bowl? I almost lost my teeth for it last time," Artie asked him.

"It's impossible. Plus it's a bummer, always failing - at everything." He looked at me. "Hey, Maze, you think your mom would want to go with me?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "You really think my mom, the cop, would go out with you?"

"So, is that a yes?" I raised my eyebrow at him. "Can't blame a guy for trying." Then he left the room.

"Can we just talk about what this really is? Rachel Berry isn't getting her way, so she's punishing the rest of us," Santana said.

"Santana, that's not the case at all," Rachel protested. I started biting my nail when Santana had her pissed off look. Shit.

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