Action Speaks Louder Than Words

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"I'm going to kill him," Kurt said.

I shook my head. "No, you're not."

Sebastian has been avoiding me all week. He's ignoring my calls, my texts. I've tried going to Dalton to explain everything, but the Warblers said he's not in. Which is a lie because I would see him from the far corner of the room. Then I would try the field when he's at lacrosse practice, but the team would just shrug.

Kurt grabbed a his drink before taking a sip. "You're trying to explain to him that Ryder's your cousin, and he won't even talk to you. Not only that, he's been avoiding you like 24/7 and basically said your better off with Maxwell."

I sighed before grabbing a chip. "I know." I bit it. "Any luck with Blaine?"

"Sebastian would change the subject with him. I know you love him, Maze, but let me march down and bleach all of his clothes."

I got the remote and paused the movie. "I don't know what to do. I can't talk to him if he's avoiding me."

We heard a knock on the door. Burt came inside Kurt's room. "Hey, you need anything from the store?"

"A big bottle a bleach to shove in Sebastian's mouth," Kurt mumbled.

Burt looked confused before looking at me. "He still not talking to you?"

I raised my eyebrow at Kurt. "You told him?"

Kurt didn't look at me before playing the movie. Burt walked further into the room. "Maze, I don't want you to think I'm taking Sebastian's size, but I need you to look at it through his perspective. Sebastian comes over and sees you with some stranger."

"But it wasn't some stranger, he was my cousin."

Burt sat on one of the chairs. "Ok...Then think of it like this. If the roles were reversed and you found a half naked man in Sebastian's house, what would you have think?"

I would have thought he cheated on me. I groaned as I laid back on the bed. I'm such an idiot. I'm the worst girlfriend ever. Ryder didn't have his shirt on while he gave me the cash. It probably looked like I pimped myself out.

"I'd do the same thing he's doing," I said.

Burt patted my knee. "All of this is a misunderstanding. If Sebastian loves you the way Kurt says he does, then he would listen."

I looked in at him. "And how am I suppose to do that if he won't talk to me?"

"Action speak louder than words, Maze. Remember that."

He got up to leave. Kurt smacked my arm and gave me a look. I know I have to tell him he's my dad. It's been months since we found out, but I've been too chicken to say anything.

"Mr. Hummel," I called out.

He turned around. "Yes, Maze?"

Kurt gave me an encouraging nod as I stood up. "I'm...I'm..." Say it, Maze. Say I'm his daughter. He has the right to know. Don't be a wuss about it. "I...just wanted to say thank you for the advise."

I'm a wuss.


Kurt bid his dad farewell. When he closed the door Kurt hit my arm.

"When are you going to tell my dad the truth?" I opened my mouth to speak, but was interrupted. "Maze, it's been three months. I was this close into telling him. You can't keep this from him."

"I know. I know. It's just...hard for me, you know? I don't know how he's going to take it."

Kurt scoot over and wrapped his arm around me. "My dad is going to love you. He might be shocked at first, but he'll accept it."

I sighed. "I hope you're right."


Burt's right. Action speaks louder than words . If Sebastian's ignoring me at school, then I'll try at his house. I love Sebastian and I don't want anything to mess up this relationship. That's why I ran to his house from Kurt's in the rain. I almost slipped a few times, but that's not the point.

I ran up his front porch and just started knocking on the door frantically. Both cars are gone, but I could still smell food from here. He's home. I jumped back when his door opened. Sebastian was about to close the door in my face, but I placed my hand out and blocked it before he could.

"Sebastian, let me explain..." I started.

He cut me off. "I don't wanna talk to you."

"I know what you saw looked bad -"

"You mean seeing my girlfriend getting paid by some guy -"

"He wasn't just some guy. He was my cousin." Sebastian raised his eyebrow at me. Shit, that sounds a lot worst. "What I mean is...The guy you saw was my cousin. We ordered a pizza and he gave me money for the tip."

He scoffed. "You know, I've gave a lot of bogus excuses before. But that really takes the cake. How long did it take for you to think of that?"

Why isn't he believing me? "It's true. I don't know what hurts more, the fact that you don't believe me or the fact that you think I'm capable of doing something like this? Sebastian, I'm in love with you. I wouldn't do something so stupid like cheating on you."

Sebastian sighed as he crossed his arms. "The only thing that was stupid was this relationship. I thought you were different. I thought you weren't me. The guy who would treat everything like it was a game. But maybe you should go to acting school because this..." he motioned towards my drenched outfit. " really something." I didn't notice that I had tears in my eyes until he pointed it out. "And the tears, nice touch. That deserves an Oscar." Then he shook his head. "I can't deal with this."

More tears started rolling down my face as he slammed the door. I don't what I can do to make him believe me, unless...that's it. The best way to express myself is to sing and that's what did.

"Do I need you. Do I love you. Well I'll go blind for you to see I do. When you need proof and words won't do. I'll walk on fire just to get to you." Sebastian slowly opened the door. "If I have to."

Sebastian just stood there and stared. I bit my lip before giving a little nod before turning around. He doesn't believe me. So, what does that mean for us? Are we through? I choked back a sob as I started walking home.


A/N: Nooooooooo!!!!!

*Not edited.*

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