You Got Mail

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I didn't get up from bed. I covered my face with the pillow as I tried to drown out the sound of my phone ringing. Ever since the auditorium incident, I haven't answered Sebastian's calls or texts - no matter how much I wanted to.

It's been like that for weeks. How am I suppose to forgive a person like that? I thought I was done with jerks...I guess I'm not. I've visited Blaine after school to give him his homework. It pains me even more to see him like that. And to think I like that son of a bitch. He could be so cruel to my friends, but with me he's so different. With me he's this funny, sweet guy who can always makes me smile.

I heard my door open and felt my bed dip. I turned my head to see Kurt grabbing stuff from his bag. "What are you doing?" I mumbled.

He pulled out a few movies from his bag. "Movie day." I sighed as I sat up. "Come on, Maze. I know you're upset about that Chipmunk. I don't understand why you would be friends with him in the first place, but -"

He got cut off with my phone ringing again. I groaned. "Leave me alone."

"He's been calling you?"

I nodded. "You think me not answering means I don't want to talk to him, but, no, he won't stop."

My phone dinged and Kurt grabbed my phone. He made a disgusted face as he read the text message. "Maze, please talk to me," He read. My phone dinged again. "I'm sorry." That caused him to scoff. "Please tell me you don't believe him?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. Part of me wants to forgive him, but I can't." I crossed my legs. "Kurt, I'm sorry for not telling you about me and Sebastian hanging out. I know how you feel about him, but I didn't want you to be mad at me."

His gaze softens. "Maze, you need to understand that I'm protecting you. I knew there was something going on between you two. I knew I was right when he kissed you at the Lima Bean. But, you need to understand that Sebastian is evil." He grabbed my hand. "I'm only telling you this because I want what's best for you. And trust me, Sebastian isn't it." My phone rang again, making him groan. My eyes widen when he answered it. "Listen here, Chipmunk. Maze doesn't want to talk to you. She wants nothing to do with you. Do you really believe that she will fall under your spell and take you back after everything you've done? Do us all a favor and stop calling."

My mouth flew open after he hung up. "I can't believe you did that!" I exclaimed.

Kurt gave me a look. "Maze, he needs to know to leave you alone. He can't keep calling you and hope you forgive him. He's just trying to get into your head." He placed his hand over mine. "Trust me, you can do better than Sebastian."

I sighed. Can I? No. I don't want anyone better than Sebastian. I want Sebastian. There's these two voices in my head. One's telling me to don't do it. Don't answer his calls. He's the reason Blaine needed eye surgery and he's rude to your friends, especially to Kurt. Then there's this other side that's telling me to fuck it. Answer his calls. Text him back. Go out with him like we usually do. Ignore everyone.

We heard someone knock on my door and two seconds later my mom popped her head in. She smiled at Kurt.

"Kurt, are you staying for dinner? I'm making chicken ravioli," She asked.

Kurt gave a polite smile. "Sure. Sounds great, Ms Graham."

Mom walked over to me. "Oh, Maze, you got a letter today."

I furrowed my eyebrows as I took the envelope. "From who?"

"Don't know, there's no return address." She looked back at the door before looking at us. "Ok, dinner should be ready in an hour."

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