Hey everyone so I was tagged by katsumitheanimegirl and now I am suppose to share five facts about myself and tag 15 other people. If I tag you then you can also tag 15 other people and share five facts about yourself if you want to. :) (P.S every time I'm tagged I'll post it on this chapter.)
~Facts about me~
1. My favorite animal is a wolf
2. I like all colors
3. I am 5'6
4. I love coffee sooo much
5. I love being out in nature
~Random Tags~
Alright I got tagged again but this time by Nicole30dc .
1. Maybe
2. Lol I don't know, I haven't really spoken to them...yet
3. Noel
4. Single
5. Ivan
6. I don't remember 😂
7. 60%
8. My best friend T
9. My other best friend Chase
10. I don't have a favorite
11. I was bored
12. Below is a pic of my lock screen13. And my birthday is sometime in November 😁
Random tags:
I was tagged by FortunataCostantini .
Lol this will probably be the last tag I will put into this book. If I get more tags I will make a little tag book.1. (Introvert or extrovert?) I'm both
2. (Hair color) brown
3. (Favorite color?) I can't chose I like them all
4. (Favorite YouTuber?) 1.Markiplier 2. Boyinaband 3. Jordan Persegati 4. Glam&Gore 5. Pinkstylist
5. (A place I want to visit?) Romania hands down
6. (Favorite quote(s)?) I have two favorite quotes.
1. Not all those who wander are lost.
- J.R.R. Tolkien
2. Love is like war. Easy to start but hard to end. -unknown I don't know why I like this one tbh, I guess it's cuz it reminds me of something, I don't know what it reminds me of tho if that makes any sense 😂
7. (Tag 20 people)1. NinjaWithOnions
2. MasterShippess
3. ABSolutely_Awkward
4. kritanta
5. Rossary-chan
6. -NiNafu-
7. Destiny-Kun
8. Silverwolf735
9. AutumnAuthor11
11. Celestial_Angel5125
12. Bills_Pine_Tree
13. jpollard21
14. Otaku2809
15. honeydmfan
16. ranger_and_the_elf
17. eatenpickelsticks
18. mystic-faryina
19. lovely_penguin_666
20. panda__eat__burritoI just tagged a bunch of random people lol. You can continue the tag if you want too 🙂
Fanfiction(YN) Fenikkusu is a small, relatively weak girl. Despite her size, she makes up for it in speed and sheer willpower. This isn't enough for her though. She wants to become stronger to not only learn to control her clan's secret jutsu but also to find...