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After the first day, and everything being a little awkward, everything was fine, being with the boys took my mind off everything but it was still there, I still faked my smile so no one would worry somethings wrong. I had been back for three weeks and everything was as it usually is, the boys being typical boys, being rowdy and walking around naked, I was used to it though.

'Gabs can you come Asda with me please, no one else will come' Brook asked as he came into the room

'I'll come' Mikey said from over his laptop

'No your editing, Gabs you just go' Andy said

'But Mikey said he'll go' I said confused at to why they were acting weird

'yeah I've basically finis...'

'No, I want Gabs to come' he cut Mikey off and looked back up at me with puppy dog eyes

'Please Gabs' I rolled my eyes

'I'm comfy here though' I snuggled into Andy's chest hoping I didn't have to go

'Come on, give him some company, you know what Brooks like' Andy said laughing

'Fine I'm obviously not good enough for you am I' I replied quite annoyed that he wanted me to leave

'Gab, its not like that, I didn't mean it like that' He said as I stropped out the room. I got all my stuff and we left for the shops. We walked in silence for a while until Brook spoke

'Listen can we talk about something' I looked up at him

'Yeah sure, what's up?' he was just about to say something and my phone started ringing 'Hold on, its just my mum'

'Hello?.... mum what's up?....whoa, calm down, what's happened' I saw Brook looking at me so I walked away slightly so he couldn't hear.

Once I had finished I caught up with him

'Sorry about that, what did you wanna talk about?' I said catching my breath as I had to run to him

'Everything okay with your mum?' I nodded

'Yeah, but can I ask you something, its important and you cant tell anyone, no one can know' he nodded and his face went serious making me burst out laughing

'what you said it's important' he looked like a lost puppy

'It is, just in the whole time I've known you, I don't think I've ever seen you be serious' re rolled his eyes and laughed

'Right what's actually up' I sighed

'Well every time I come here it's great, I get to see Andy and you boys but I'm so far away from my life, my family and everything back home, just whenever I leave I hate it, but whatever I do someone will be upset, if I don't come here I wouldn't see Andy and he'd be upset, but if I keep things as they are I'm not entirely happy and my family aren't either, I'm missing so much, I don't have a life when I'm here and I don't know what to do' Brook stopped

'Listen, you have to do what makes you happy, and even if that means not coming up here as often I'm sure Andy would understand, he wants you to be happy, but you being here is amazing and if you decide to go home for longer we'll all miss you so much'

'No I don't mean not come here as often... I mean stop coming here altogether, stay at home from now on' Brooks face dropped

'Oh, right..' he paused 'so you want to break up with him'

'No, I don't want to, I don't know what I want, but I don't want anyone else to know, you can't tell Andy or any of the others, this stays between us, promise me' he hesitates but sighs

'You have to tell him soon, I don't want to lie to him' he started walking again. The rest of the trip was fine, we messed about, Brook was as weird as usual

We were about to pay when Brook stopped, 'Oh Mikey wanted some things, let me go grab them, can you hold these' he handed me his phone and wallet and went off. I stood waiting when his phone went off, Andy had text him

'Hey mate, have you asked her yet?'

'Ready to go pay' I spun around to see Brook stood behind me 'Sorry did I make you jump?' I gave him his phone with the text open, he looked up at me

'What'd Andy want you to ask me?' I asked as we started walking to the till

'oh erm yano, nothing much' he stuttered

'Brook, what's he want you to ask me' I raised my eyebrows as to what he wanted to know

'Well, just ever since you've got here he thinks you've been acting different and wanted me to find out why'

'Oh so that's why you two forced me to come out then, and I guess your gonna go back and tell him all about what I told you, thanks, I actually trusted you' I put my things down and walked out the shop. I sat on the wall just outside and a few minutes later I saw him looking around, and running up to me

'Why'd you run off' He sat next to me

'I...I'm sorry' he looked up at me and I turned away

'Hey don't be upset, I'm not gonna tell Andy about what you told me, I promise, but he should know how you feel, he might be able to help, you both deserve to be happy' I nodded

'I know but I want our time together to be special, I don't see him as often as I'd like and I love him, I really love him, this whole situation is too much, its stressful on me and my family and I..I don't know I want to be with him but I don't know if it will work' tears formed in my eyes, Brook pulled me in for a hug, we sat there for about 20 minutes, in silence, before deciding to head back

'You can do this' Brook said squeezing my hand before walking into the flat. we walked into the band room and they all looked at us

'Hey guys' I smiled

'Where's Andy?' they pointed to the kitchen, I went in, and shut the door

'Hey beautiful, everything okay?' he turned from washing the dishes  I smiled slightly

'Can we talk?'

Stay; Andy Fowler (A Roadtrip Fanfiction) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now