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My heart dropped, I saw how nervous he was

'What, why not?' He rubbed his face and sighed

'The others, they're excited, they're playing in front of thousands, I've been in this business so much longer, I know that if this performance doesn't go perfect, then' I stopped him, I held his hands and whispered

'Andy, you'll do amazing, you always do, they'll love you, trust me I know there's so many people, but it doesn't matter how many there are, you're doing what you love, that's all that matters and as long as you do what you love then everyone will love it' he smiled and kissed my forehead

'What would I do without you?' I giggled and shrugged

'Now you gotta go, go smash your performance, I'll be in the crowd watching' he winked and ran out, catching up with the other boys. They were on soon so I quickly went to find Ginger and we made our way out front to our seats, we decided we wanted to watch them from the crowd, take on the whole experience, the lights left the stage, ready for their intro

'Everybody scream for ROADTRIPPP' the presenter said running down the stairs, the intro music started playing and I saw all their silhouettes coming on stage, facing the back as always, the crowd was screaming, it was like slow motion, everything was slow, the screams, the music, everything

Then they boys jumped around and started singing, Andy's face lit up, he was in his element, doing what he loved, that's how j fell in love with him, seeing him in that small pub back home, just him and his guitar, doing what he loved, now he's standing on the stage at Wembley arena. My eyes filled with tears and Ginger linked my arm, hugging into my side

'How incredible is this' she was jumping and singing, I looked back at the boys, the biggest smiles I've ever seen, all messing about, together, I couldn't even start to explain how proud I was, of them all.

They performed a few songs, and before the last one finished me and Ginger quickly ran backstage to be there when they came off. Blair was stood at the bottom of the stage steps, watching them all, I think he was crying because his eyes were watery and as soon as he saw us he wiped his face.

'How incredible is this' he shouted over the music, I nodded

'It's insane!' I replied but I don't think he heard, he spun back around and continues to watch the boys finish their last song

'Thankyou, for making our night incredible, this is by far the most amazing night in my career, in all of our careers, thank you for making this possible. We were Roadtrip and we'll see you all soon' Mikey said before blowing a kiss to the crowd and running off, followed by the other boys. They jumped down the stairs in a hype, they were screaming and jumping, hugging each other

'That was mad!' Brook said jumping on Ryes back

'It was sickkkk' He replied, Andy jumped down the step and I ran into his arms, he lifted me off my feet and spun me around

'Gabby' he said placing a kiss on my lips

'Andy you were insane out there! It was.. I'm speechless' he laughed and placed me back on the floor. His face was still in shock as to what just happened 'you were all incredible' I said making them all shout again and surround round me

'GROUP HUG' Jack yelled and everyone squeezed me

'Celebratory Nando's?' Rye said, everyone laughed and agreed, crowding down the hall. The show was still going on but they had finished their set so we're free to leave, on the way out we bumped into a few fans

'Aren't you meant to be inside' Rye asked signing a girls phone

'Well we only came for you boys so we came out to meet you' his face lit up at the fact they went just to see them. They took photos with everyone, a few people even asked me for one, which felt abit strange but it was nice.


We walked back into the flat, stuffed from eating so much chicken.

'I can't quite believe we performed Wembley arena boys, and tour starts on Saturday, I live the best life, I'm so grateful for you all' Mikey slurred, in a food coma, everyone laughed at how soppy he was being, he jumped into bed and was flat out within a few minutes, along with the rest of the boys, leaving me and Andy together.

'Do you wanna come for a walk?' I nodded and pulled my coat on, as it was getting pretty cold. We only made it to a nearby field, we sat on a small wall surrounding it, sat in silence. A nice silence.

'What's on your mind?' I asked and he smiled, a soft smile and looked at me

'Just thinking how lucky I am' he said quietly 'I have the best job, we go on tour soon which will be amazing, I'm doing what I love, with my best friends, making so many people happy and I have the best girlfriend in the world, who I hope I make happy' I giggled and nodded in agreement 'I'm just living this amazing life and I'm so grateful' he put his hand above mine, he looked into the distance, I rested my head on his shoulder

'I wish time would slow down, things are coming and going so quickly, there's not enough time to enjoy them and take it in' he kissed my head

'Let's just enjoy this moment, right now, just us two together' I smiled

'We don't get this that much do we' I laughed 'we should make it a weekly thing, that we do something alone, each week' he nodded

'I like that idea' he looked around 'starting right now' I frowned as he jumped up and held his hand out, I took it and he led me down the street

'Andy where are we going? It's late' he put his finger over his mouth, shushing me

'We're going to a very special place' he whispered and started walking faster, making me try to keep up with him. He stopped walking after a while and let go of my hand, I looked around, we were in the small town

'Andy why are we in town?' I asked

'I didn't know when to tell you, but right now seems like the perfect time'

Stay; Andy Fowler (A Roadtrip Fanfiction) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now