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Andys POV~

'What, you can't leave?' Mikey said

'No, I wouldn't be leaving, well I'd be leaving the flat but this isn't a place for a baby, there's not enough room and you boys don't want to have a baby here' Gabby explained

'She's right Mike, there's hardly enough room for 5, and babies need room' Rye patted Mikeys back

'And I've still got like 7 months, we'll start looking now and I can get used to it, I'm not gonna leave right away' I looked at Brooklyn and he was awkwardly looking away

'Brook, you know I'm not mad at you, are you okay?' He nodded and then shook his head

'Are you leaving because of me? I know you're saying it's about the baby but I don't want to be a reason you're leaving' he said quickly towards Gabby, she shook her head

'Bro, we're doing what's best for the baby, but it will be good, you won't be constantly around her, maybe that will help with your feelings' he nodded at my response, he looked abit more comfortable now he knew it wasn't his fault

'So will you go aswell' Rye asked, looking sad, I nodded

'At first, I'll go back and forth, stay there and a few nights stay here but when it's gets later on and when it's born I'll live there' he pulled me into a hug

'We'll miss you bro, but we know it's what you have to do' he released me from his grip and I was taken into Mikeys arms, followed my Jack and Brook, they all then hugged Gabby, Brook hesitated but he gave her a quick hug.

'So have you thought about how you're going tell the fans?' Jack asked, I looked at Gabby, we hadn't really thought about it, I shrugged

'I don't really know, I guess we could leave it and let them find out themselves but I think they're worth more than that' I looked at Gabby, seeing what she thought

'We could wait until I'm further in and take one of them cute couple photos, I always thought I'd get one of them' I saw Brook in the corner of my eye, he looked awkward, when he noticed I was looking he smiled and joined in the conversation

'Yeah, I think it's best telling them officially, just so things don't kick off' he replied

'I'll speak to Blair about it, see what he thinks' I grabbed my phone from my pocket and began facetiming him, he and Harvey were in America recording some stuff and doing some shows out there.

'Fovvs, long time no speak' he greeted, him and Harvey popping up on my screen, the boys gathered round me all saying hi and catching up. They were by a pool, sunbathing

'Listen, I've got something quite important I need to talk to you about' the boys figured it was their queue to leave and sat back down where Blair couldn't see

'What's up, everything good?' He asked, slight worry in his voice as if we had done something terrible to the flat or something, I laughed and nodded

'Everything fine, it's just I've recently got some news and I need to tell the fans, and I'm not sure how I should' he nodded, the connection going for a minute but it soon came back

'Well what's the news, then decide from there?' Harvey asked, sorting his sunglasses out

'Well, me and Gabby are going to be having a baby' I said slowly, waiting for his response, he was silent, mostly shock, the camera wasn't on his face and all I could see was the floor. After a while of awkwardness he came back on the camera, Harvey wasn't there

'You're having a baby, that is, well, unexpected' he replied, trying to get his head around things

'Listen this won't effect the band, the work I put into it, I promise, it's my life and I can sort it, I just waned to let you know, and you could help me with announcing it as she's two months gone so she'll start showing soon' his eyes widened

'Two months! She's been pregnant for two months and you only tell me now, I thought we were closer than that' he said loudly

'I'm sorry, a lots happened since you've been gone, we've not known that long ourselves' I explained

'I just thought you were more sensible than to let this happen, but it's your life, as long as it doesn't effect work, then do what you like, I'll sort everything and I'll let you know what's happening' he sighed 'anyways I better go, listen I'll talk soon, cya' and with that he had hung up and I was left on my home screen

'Well that happened' I sighed and put my phone down

'It could've been worse' Mikey said, trying to help the situation

'I guess' it was quiet for a minute, I stood up 'right let's not be boring, let's do something, who's up for a late night feast, let's go all out' Jack jumped up and was on his phone ordering the food already, Mikey started clearing things away, Brook and Rye were getting plates out.

We waited for a while for the food to arrive and once it did we all sat on the floor around the table, everyone was laughing, having fun, I looked at them all, it started to feel like it used to, and I liked it, everyone I cared about, my best friends, my girlfriend, even my baby, it wasn't perfect, far from it, but it was perfect to me, things weren't normal, things were mad but that's what made it unique to us, and I wouldn't change that for the world. And then it hit me, that soon, in a few months, it wouldn't be like this, I'd be in my own house, with my own family, and even though that made me so happy and eternally grateful for what I had, I looked around and I couldn't imagine my life without these four guys.

Stay; Andy Fowler (A Roadtrip Fanfiction) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now