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Andys POV~

My eyes teared up at what I was seeing. I was holding my baby, my world. It had only been a few minutes since the birth but I was already in love, knowing we created such an amazing thing, I would protect with my life.

Gabby was watching me, smiling. We were still in the labour suite and the nurses were sorting everything out.

'Let's go to mummy' I handed Gabby the baby and I just admired them both, she was amazing, a natural mother, my heart was full, seeing my family, my world in front of me, I realised I didn't need anything else, as long as they were safe and happy, everything was okay. The nurse had already made sure Gabby knew what to do, when they baby was hungry, etc. We made our way back to the room, we were allowed to leave once a few tests had been done to make sure everything was okay, which it seemed to be. It wasn't long until there was a knock at the door, we both turned to see everyone coming in

'Ah let me see' Blair said coming over, he kissed Gabby on the forehead 'congratulations, can I have a hold' she smiled and handed Blair the baby, a huge smile came over his face

'So do you have a name' Mikey asked as we weren't too sure

'We haven't decided yet, we think we're gonna give it some time, see what suits' he nodded to my reply, taking the baby from Blair, I loved seeing them all here, they may not be immediate family but they definitely are my family, and seeing us all together, happy, made me so thankful.

'Hey, how are we?' I turned around and saw the nurse had come in, she was looking at some papers

'I'm fine thankyou, are the tears okay?' Gabby asked, the nurse nodded, scribbling something down

'Perfect, you're ready to go home, if you need any help with anything let me know, you just need to sign out at reception and you're free to go' I smiled and grabbed the hospital bag, Jack held the baby carrier and we all made our way out. We crowded out of the hospital doors and into the car. Me and Gabby went home so we could get everything ready and the boys went back to the flat to give us some space.

'Andy' Gabby called I looked through to the living room

'Yeah?' She was cuddled up in the couch, she smiled and patted next to her, I laughed and went over, she snuggled into my shoulder.

'Can you believe it' I didn't reply, just shook my head, we both sat in silence, taking in what had happened to us 'are you scared?' She asked, I looked down at her, she purposely didn't look at me, I could tell she was scared herself

'Well it's a big thing, but we can do it, we have a beautiful baby, each other, the boys, we'll be great' she smiled and cuddled up to me

'Thankyou' she closed her eyes and after a while she drifted off. I got a text from my mum

'Almost there, sorry I'm so late x'

I smiled at my phone, she was so worried about being late, even though I told her she didn't have to be here for the birth, I could tell she felt guilty, Gabby didn't have any family, other than her auntie but she couldn't fly over on such short notice, so my mum felt like she needed to be there.

I sat in the same place for half an hour, letting Gabby get rest, as I knew we weren't going to get much of that now. A knock at the door woke her up, the baby was still asleep in the cot that was in the living room as we hadn't brought it upstairs yet. I answered the door to my mum, she looked stressed and out of breathe

'Hello, I tried to get here as fast as I could, the traffic was crazy and there was this one guy who...' I hugged her cutting her off

'Mum stop panicking, you're here now, that's what matters' I grabbed her bag and we went into the living room

'So where's my first grandchild' she poked her head around the corner, smiling at Gabby, she went over and hugged her

'Over here' I said standing next to the cot, her eyes widened at the sight, she only had one baby, me, and I knew the thought of another baby in the family made her happy, she covered her mouth and hugged me

'Andy I'm so happy for you, both of you' she looked at Gabby sympathetically 'your mum is looking down on us, protecting us and the baby, she is so proud of you, both of you, I know you're going to both be incredible parents and being this one up amazingly, I have no doubts what so ever' Gabby smiled, her eyes watering

'Thankyou so much, I know she's up there, protecting us, all of us, and I know she'd do anything to be here right now' a tear fell and she wiped it away, composing herself, she got up slowly and came over, grabbing my arm, I kissed her head

'I'm so proud of you' she kissed me, we were in silence for a moment until the crying started, I laughed and Gabby sighed

'Here we go, now what do I do?' My mum stopped her

'No, you get some rest, that's why I'm here, to make your life easier' Gabby smiled as my mum picked up the baby, and after a few minutes the crying stopped

'You're going to have to teach me how to do that, but right now I'm going to get some sleep' she squeezed my hand and went upstairs, I looked at my mum, her eyes full of love, she was an amazing mum and I knew she'd be a even better grandma, she saw me smiling

'Just call me nana Fowler' she said rocking the baby, I smirked

'What about grandma Fowler?' I knew she would hate that

'No, absolutely not, that makes me sound so old' she objected, I laughed

'Nana it is' she nodded happily

'Oh Andy, she's beautiful'

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