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Brooks POV~

I couldn't help it, I really cared for her, as a friend, but when she was so close to me, her lips slightly parted I just kissed her, she kissed me back, I didn't know what was happening but it didn't feel right.

'I'm sorry, I don't... don't know what I was doing' I said as I pulled away

'Brook... I, you know I see you as a brother right, I'm sorry' I nodded

'No, no, I know I see you as a sister, I just got lost' I tried to explain that it meant nothing 'listen I'm gonna get off, so if you need anything just call, or text or whatever' I said waking backwards, I hit into the desk, knocking some things into the floor

'Brook wait' she said but I turned around and left, as quick as I could, I had to get out of there, I felt so bad, she was upset and this just made things so much worse. I had to speak to someone, I walked through the reception, my head in my hands, still so confused as to what just happened.

'Guys, is anyone here?' I shouted as I walked back into the flat, Jack was stood in the kitchen, washing the dishes

'They're in there' he nodded towards to bedroom, the door was shut, I went in and saw Rye, Mikey and Harv, Mikey was editing, and the others were on their phones

'Where's Andy?' I asked looking around the room, Rye looked up at me

'Erm, he went shopping for some things, I think he needed to be alone, upset about what went down with Gabby' he said mid texting making me sigh because I knew if he found out he's be crushed. No one was really paying attention, Mikey had one headphone off his ear so he could still hear everyone

'Guys I've done something really bad, I don't know what to do' I said slumping into the sofa, covering my mouth and taking a deep breathe out, they were still all intrigued in their phones

'What's up bro?' Harv said, taking snapchats

'I erm, I just kissed Gabby' as soon as I said that, everyone out their phones down, dropped what they were doing, Mikey stopped editing and was sat up properly

'What?!' Mikey said shocked

'What happened?' Harvey said looking at me dead straight

'Well we were messing around and things got close and I kissed her' Rte had his hand covering his mouth

'Did she kiss you back?' He asked, I nodded but quickly explained what happened after

'Yeah, but I pulled away, she told me she sees me as a brother and I tried to explain I just got carried away and it didn't mean anything, but I think she thinks I wanted it, that I was making an excuse?' No one said anything for a minute

'Did it mean anything to you?' Mikey questioned

'No, I just got carried away, it was in the moment and I know it was wrong, what do I do?'

'Explain to her, that you didn't mean it and it was all a mistake that shouldn't have happened' I nodded and Jack walked in

'What's going on?' He said looking around at everyone staring at me

'He kissed Gabby' he looked at me

'Seriously? Gabby, Andy's Gabby, Gabby?' I nodded and he leant against the bed frame, ready to listen to the story

'What about Gabby?' We all spun and saw Andy coming into the room, carrying a few bags of food. Everyone was silent and looked at me, I panicked and my throat was dry, he was looking at me confused

'I erm, was just telling them how she's feeling' he put the bags down

'How is she?' He said sitting on the arm of the sofa

'She'll be fine, just give her some time' I said quickly, feeling awkward

'Brook thankyou, for being there for her, I wish it could be me but I'm glad it's you, I know she's safe, I appreciate it' my heart dropped that I could something to hurt him, everyone was sat awkwardly

'That means a lot mate' he smiled and hugged me

'Maybe you could stay with her tonight? Make sure she's okay' I shrugged

'Is that the best idea?' He nodded

'Yes, I trust you' I could feel my stomach drop, I smiled and nodded

'Yeah, let me just get some things and I'll head over' he pulled me in for another hug and thanked me, before going into the kitchen to put his food away. I felt everyone's eyes on me, I put my hands over my face

'You can't tell him, I'll sort this out' I whispered

'What are you going to do?' Jack asked and I shrugged

'Explain and hopefully things will be okay' they nodded and I got up and headed back to the hotel.

I was outside her door, I took a deep breathe and knocked

'Brook what are you doing here?' she asked as it was quite late

'Andy wants me to stay, make sure you're okay' I smiled and she let me in 'listen about before'

'You don't need to explain, let's just forget it and put it in the past' she smiled and sat down

'I just want you to know, I know you love Andy, and I just got caught in the moment, it didn't mean anything, you're my family and I just don't want anything to be awkward' I said

'It won't, I promise, I can't lose you Brook, I just want everything with Andy to be sorted, I feel bad that I argued with him, we weren't together and he can do what he wants'

'Tell him that then, because he loves you, and he wants to be with you, he knows he shouldn't have done what he did, we can go together tomorrow' she nodded

'And I'm going to tell him the truth, if that's okay, I don't want to lie to him' my heart beat got faster

'The truth?' She nodded

'That we kissed, that it was a mistake but it happened, and that I didn't pull away, you did, and hope he understands'

Stay; Andy Fowler (A Roadtrip Fanfiction) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now