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'Didn't this used to be where Croma was?' I asked looking at the building as Andy was locking up, remembering our favourite restaurant, he nodded

'Yeah, it got shut down a while back, that's why I bought it' I frowned as to why it had any relevance, he smiled 'because it's where I fell in love with you' my heart melted, it was where we went on our first date, after two years of being friends, he finally asked me on a date and that's where he took me. I snuggled into his arms and he kissed my head, we walked away and headed back towards to flat.

'Oh finally they arrive back, where have you been?' Jack asked mid laughing at something that was going on

'I showed her the picture room we all did' Andy replied while shutting the door, trying to see what all the noise was, I went around the corner and saw Rye and Brook winding Mikey up, he looked really stressed which was obviously making the others laugh.

'Boys just leave me alone, I'm not in the mood for this!' He shouted, and they were quiet before looking at each other and continuing, he kicked Brook who fell holding his knee and stormed out, pushing past me and slamming the kitchen door behind him

'Oooo, someone's being stroppy' Andy said as he looked back into the room. We went in and joined them, sitting of the sofa.

'What's going on then?' I laughed as Brook was limping to the bed

'Having abit of fun' he smiled and rubbed his knee, Mikey appeared around the corner

'Fun? It's only fun if you laugh' he bluntly said before picking up a top to put on

'Come on Mikey you know we're joking' Brook laughed as he pinched his waist making him jump and pulling his hair

'FUCK SAKE BROOK, I SAID STOP!' Mikey screamed making Brooks face go straight, everyone jumped a little and looked at him, he was breathing heavily, I could tell something was on his mind

'Mikey calm down' I said softly as his face was getting red

'No, I told them to stop and they carried on and they've pissed me off' he replied and grabbed Doug the toy monkey from the mirror, ripping him in half and throwing him down in anger before storming out again.

Jack was picking up the parts of Doug he had thrown down, Rye was annoyed that he had broke it, Brook was still holding his knee

'It was a joke, whys he had to go and do this, is so pathetic' Rye said

'Well he was getting pretty annoyed, I'll go see if he's okay' I stood up and left them cleaning up the mess.

I opened the kitchen door and he was sat leaning against he counter with his head in his hands, and his knees against his chest

'Are you okay?' I slid down next to him but he didn't reply 'Mikey I know something's up, what's happened?' I looked at me, his eyes were red and he had a few tears running down his face, I pulled him in for a hug before he could even explain

'My uncle went into hospital a few days ago and got told he had a few days, he died about 3 hours ago' I sighed and hugged him tighter

'Mikey you should've told us, you've been going through this alone for days?' He nodded and cried into my shoulder, I don't think I've ever seen him this sad since I met him, he had been holding it all in

'I'm sorry, it's fine, just got stressed that's all' he said breathing out and wiping his eyes, I sighed

'Mikey you know you could've told us, the boys and me would've been here for you' he nodded

'I know, listen let's just leave it' I raised my eyebrows and he sighed 'fine I'll tell them' he stood up and I followed him back into the room

'Mikey why did you break Doug?' Rye said half jokingly half annoyed, stood looking down at the pieces of Doug, he looked up and saw Mikey, red puffy eyed 'bro whats wrong, I'm sorry if we annoyed you we were only messing' rye said quickly putting the toy down and pulling him into a hug, the other boys were now coming over, looking bad for messing with him

'No, no it's not you, just my uncle went into hospital and he died earlier, I just was holding in it and I couldn't anymore' everyone was looking at him

'Bro I'm so sorry, you should've said, we would've been here for you' Brook said hugging him tight, a few more tears escaped his eyes, but after a minute and all the boys reassuring him everything will be okay, he livened up abit.

After a while we were all sat around, me and Mikey were watching a film on his laptop, Brook, Rye and Jack were talking to fans and Andy was watching the football.

'Guys anyone fancy a five guys?' Jack asked and everyone jumped up excitedly

'Always!' Rye said already at the door ready to leave, everyone got up and ready to go

'You know what, I'll stay here, I'm not that hungry anyway' I said making Andy come over, he held my hands

'You sure?' I nodded and kissed him

'I'll see you later' I sat back down next to Mikey

'Come on Mikey' he frowned

'I'm going to stay aswell, I'm not feeling up to it' he replied, snuggling down into his bed

'Well why don't we all just hang here, we can order food?' Brook suggested

'No, you's go, Gabby's here, we'll be fine' Andy looked at me and I nodded, they grabbed their stuff and left, we finished watching the end of the film.

We were both sat around doing nothing so we decided we'd go for a walk, get some fresh air.

'What's up?' Mikey asked looking at me, I smiled

'Nothing, I'm fine' he gave me a 'I know you're lying' look and I sighed 'it's nothing, just been getting a few hate messages recently, nothing I can't deal with' I smiled and carried on walking

'Well are you sure? You don't want me to try do anything' I shook my head

'Honestly, they are just more... personally than usual, but I'll be fine' we stopped walking

'Can I see?' I sighed and pulled my phone out, opening twitter, he scrolled through some dms, making different faces

'Gabby, these aren't just more personal, they know everything, they're threats, you need to tell someone' I shook my head

'You know what people who hate are like, just need to move on' I tried to grab my phone back but he was looking through more

'Gabby, you need to look at this' I rolled my eyes and looked at my phone, my heart beat sped up double the speed, but it also felt like it had stopped completely.

Stay; Andy Fowler (A Roadtrip Fanfiction) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now