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I looked at all the things I front of me, the envelope, the big sign on the table taking up all the space, that I was sternly told to put on show in my room until we reunite. I took a sip of my drink, and my phone lit up, my mum had text saying she'd pick me up when I got in. My heart ached, I was happy I could see my mum, I know she'll make me feel better, but the fact that I'm getting further away from Andy, knowing I won't see his face for months, makes me heart burst.

'Goood afternoon beautiful people, what's everyone up to today?🙊❤- Brook' I looked at the tweet, and read it in his voice, I had only been on the train for 10 minutes and I missed his enthusiasm.  I still wasn't in the right sleeping frame, I felt like I was in another country and had jet lag.

I slept most of the journey and was woken by a text, it was Mikey

'We miss you already, hope your journey was okay, text us when you're home x' I smiled but  didn't reply, I'd reply when I was home, I looked out the window to see I was only two stops away, I started to get all my things, I put the food in my bag, along with the envelope and picked up the sign, a few people were staring, but I didn't mind, I saw my mum on the platform, a huge smile plastered on her face, I walked over and dropped my bag, now I understood what Andy and Brook were talking about, it was heavy.

I pulled my mum into a big hug, trying not to cry 'How are you?' I said slightly worried

'I'm fine, now how was your journey?' She said linking my arm and picking up the sign, laughing and shaking her head at it

'I slept most of the way' I grabbed my bag and made out way to the car.

We pulled up outside my house, it was weird, it had only been a month but it felt like forever. My room felt weird, there was no bunk beds and it didn't smell like boys. I propped the sign against my wall and fell onto my bed, it was strange having a double bed, I was used to squishing into a single bed with Andy.

I replied to Mikey text saying I had got home and almost immediately he facetimed me

'Hello?' I heard him say

'Hey' I replied and waved, they were all sat around on the sofa, it felt like a lifetime ago I was in that room, although it was this morning.

'How was your journey' I explained and we spoke for a while, Andy wasn't really saying much, I hated seeing him like this. After a while of speaking they had to go to film for something, but a few minutes later he facetimed me again, I answered and it was just Andy, alone

'Hey, what's up?' he was stood outside

'I know about your mum, Rye thought I knew'

'I'm sorry I didn't tell you, so much was happening and I only told Rye because he was mad at me' I explained, and he smiled at me

'Gabs, I'm not angry, I understand, I just wanted to speak to you alone, see how you're feeling, you know I would've come back with you, be there for support' he replied

'Just because you're not here doesn't mean I don't have you, I know you're always here' we spoke for a while before he had to urgently film for a cover. I unpacked all my things and sorted a few of my clothes out

'Hey, can I come in?' I turned and saw my mum stood at the door, I smiled and stood up. she came in and sat down

'What's up?' I sat next to her

'How was your trip?' I sighed

'Well it's a long story, but shortened, it was eventful' she put her hand on my leg

'You didn't have to come back for me, I can look after myself' I smiled

'I know, I just hate being away from home, from you, my life, and I know I'm far away from Andy, but his job means he has to be far away, that's the way it is'

Stay; Andy Fowler (A Roadtrip Fanfiction) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now