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Gabbys POV~

'He's in love with Gabby' my mouth shot open, I felt like it was dragging on the floor. Andy didn't say anything, he wasn't moving, or blinking, or doing anything.

'Andy?' Rye asked, everyone was shocked, Brook was stood awkwardly in the corner

'I'm sorry, I didn't want to feel this way, I tried to push it out, push it away but I can't' he sighed 'and I didn't think it was much of a shock, I mean isn't it obvious?' All he was saying was going in one ear and out the next, all that was going around my head was what Rye had said

'You.. no this is some sort of joke' I started laughing, looking around, hoping someone would laugh but they didn't, everyone looked around awkwardly, I looked at Brook, his eyes full of tears. Andy was stood still, just looking at him, I touched his shoulder

'Andy?' I asked, he was pale, like he hadn't took a breathe, he flinched and sped out of the room, leaving the flat. I didn't follow him, I couldn't move, I looked back up at Brook and he had his hands over his face, I could hear him crying, I hated all of this.

'Guys can I have a minute... with Brook' they nodded and hurried out, getting away from the awkwardness, I heard them leave the flat, probably going to find Andy. It was silent, apart from a few sniffs from Brook. I sat on the sofa, and looked at him

'Gabby I'm sorry, I didn't want you to know, I knew it's upset you and make things worse, I am trying to push it away, but it's hard, please understand' he said taking a deep breath in after talking quite fast

'Brook its okay, I get it, you can't hide your feelings, I'm just... I don't know really' he sat on Jacks bed and his face went serious

'Well do you feel the same?' My heart beat sped up, he thought I felt the same, my throat started closing up, I was getting hot sweats

'Brook.... I, I love Andy, I'm sorr' he shook his head

'Don't say that, apologise, make me feel tiny, I just thought since we kissed them from that night, I thought' my heart dropped, I looked at his face and saw the hurt in his eyes

'I didn't mean to, and I'm sorry if you thought it meant that to me, I've ruined so much, I've ruined our friendship, and it kills me, but I'm with Andy, we're having a baby, and I love him' I saw his heart break, and I knew I had to stop talking

'Gabby, don't feel bad, this will pass, and you've not ruined our friendship' I nodded and slightly smiled, he stood up, going to hug me but stopped himself and left the room. I decided to go outside to see if Andy was there, Jack and Mikeys were stood by the entrance of the park

'Where's Andy?' I asked running up to them, it was chilly and all I had on was my top, Jack turned and pointed down the street

'They went that way, I'm not too sure where they went though' I nodded and walked down the road, a few cars went past but it wasn't what busy as it was late. I came to the end of the road and looked both way, I saw them perched on the edge of the curb, both looking down, I could see they were talking so I waited a minute before slowly walking over. Rye looked up first and coughed before standing up, making Andy look up at me, he smiled

'I'll go back to the flat, see you in abit' he patted Andys shoulder and walked back, I watched him go and sat by Andys side. For a moment it was silent, until Andy started laughing, I looked at him, wondering what funny, he carried on for a minute and sighed

'I'm sorry' he said, still laughing slightly, he rubbed his face

'What's so funny?' I was smiling, seeing people laugh made me happy

'Just everything, everything is so messed up, how did it get to this point Gabs?' I shrugged and rested my head on his shoulder

'Everything will be okay right?' He kissed my head, before resting it on mine, he sighed

'We'll make it be okay' I looked up at him

'Even the baby, you're not scared?' He smiled

'Of course I'm scared, but that's our baby and that's nothing to be scared about, there's gonna be a little one of us running around, and I'm happy' I smiled

'Are you sure?' He hugged me close to him, and for the first time in a long time I felt like something was right, and I knew it was, he was right.

We spoke for a while about everything, deciding what to do, after about half an hour we walked back up to the flat. When we walked in it was like it used to be, everyone was messing, laughing, it was like now we had sorted things out and everything was on track again, things were going back to normal. We walked further in and everyone stopped and smiled

'you're back' Jack said walking in from the kitchen, Andy nodded

'We are, and we've got something to tell you' everyone looked serious

'Calm down, it's not bad' I laughed and they all sighed in relief, I think they were all full of bad news

'Well basically we were talking and we think it's best if Gabby starts looking for flats or even houses close by'

A/N: Sorry I've not updated in a while, I had a gig and then it was my dads birthday so I didn't really have time to write. Also sorry for the bad chapter I wrote it in like 10 minutes:)

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