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"THIS IS HIM?" Picking up the file in front of me, I looked skeptically at the blurry mugshot of a man who had the appearance of a model. "His name is Ghost? Seriously?"

The director nodded. "He doesn't come up on any of our records. No family. No history. Nothing. Everyone calls him that so it's a fitting name."

The other agents in my team stared at each other warily as we went through the meeting. "I don't understand why we're worried about him since he's been released from prison last week," I said.

"Of course the newbie doesn't get it," Harry muttered. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"He's an assassin. A good one at that. There's only been one murder officially link to him but they say he's killed hundreds," the director explained. "They think he's going to kill for revenge."

"So why are we getting involved again? Can't the police keep an eye on him?" I had things to do and my plans were forced to change because of the last minute job.

"He's an assassin," Harry repeated. "What the f*ck is the police going to do?"

I could feel everyone rolling their eyes at me. It was late and I wanted nothing more than to go home and sleep. The thin file stared at me almost mockingly. We had to track him then bring him in for questioning. Simple, right?

Running my hands across my face, exhausted, I pointed to the d*ck beside me. "Does he need to come? Do I actually need to come?"

"He doesn't kill women," the director informed me but I caught the slight doubt in his voice.

"So you're praying that this assassin won't kill the newest member because of her f*cking gender? Did I get that right?"

"That definitely plays a part."

"Then what about Fiona?" I wanted to scream. I had no desire to die at twenty-three - I was still young.

"She doesn't fit the..." the director coughed before continuing, "plan."

"What plan?"

Ten minutes later and I was standing up yelling. "I am not dressing up as a stripper so you can place a target on my back!"

"Calm down," the director said. "You wanted to work here? This is part of the job description so unless you want to take your training and work in the army, I suggest you sit down."

My mouth dropped from the reality slap he had given me. Shaking, I complied and sat in my chair. He sighed.

"I get that it's not ideal but we need to take him in. Harry is going with you for backup. You two are partners and will need to ensure the other doesn't die so start getting along."

Harry and I both shifted uncomfortably. The meeting was over after an hour and we all left the conference room to get ready for the midnight mission. I hurried out, making my way angrily to the elevator where Harry stood silently.

"You-" he started but I cut him off.

"Don't say anything unless you want me to kick you in the balls."

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