CHAPTER | 15 |

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THE CAR STOPPED in a parking lot. Ghost reached behind and grabbed the laptop. He opened it, turning it on and the screen lit up. He placed a USB in it and logged in.

"Is that Clayton's?"

Nodding, he connected his phone to the laptop with a wire and began typing. Various windows began popping up and he went through them, hacking into the system. I watched in awe as the screen went black then revealed various tabs showing bank details. The devilish smile on Ghost's face told me that what he was doing was most likely illegal.

He clicked the first person's account. A millionaire with more digits than I would ever see and with a few buttons, his value was significantly lower. A pop up appeared on the screen.

HAROLD MASHAL: $187,980,900 to $101,709,000

"He's going to be mad," Ghost laughed. His phone pinged with a text.

GHOST A: $754,780,000 to $841,051,900

"You're stealing money," I realized. "How?"

He moved onto the next account doing the same thing. "Clayton was in charge of bank accounts and Kroft was his partner which was stupid idea in my opinion. Their clients were influential people and De Vil is one of them. Every single person's information is on this computer and I needed the USB stick to access it. All I'm looking for is a transfer between De Vil and a certain man."

Ghost's phone pinged again and I glanced at it.



He turned his phone over so I couldn't see the screen. "Stop looking, angel."

"Is your real name Santan?" I pressed. It didn't suit him at all.

"No. He's the person I spoke to earlier."

"Your boss."

"Not my boss," he corrected.

"I disagree. You've taken their money, so what next?"

He shut the computer. "We wait. Those people are going to get worried and then sloppy. I'm waiting for them to make a mistake."

"You're not going to tell me everything," I stated.

"Would you like to tell me what exactly your mission is?"

"I'd rather not."

"Same goes for me."

He opened the door of the car and went to the trunk. I followed, watching as he brought out a sledgehammer and began smashing the laptop into pieces. I looked around and saw that we were alone. Ghost poured gasoline on the remains.

"You better not burn that here. The cops will come," I warned.

"I wasn't planning to but if anyone finds it, they can't fix it otherwise it'll set alight."

He was smart. "Take me to my hotel," I said, leaning against the car. "I have work tomorrow and my boss is horrible."

Ghost nodded. "You're right," he replied, amused. "He's dreadful."


The hotel was grand which was expected since Ghost owned it and I knew I could never afford to stay here. Ghost decided to take me to my hotel room after putting on a beanie and glasses. I tried to tell him the combination made no sense but he argued back.

"Don't tell me how to dress, angel. You being with your boyfriend makes no sense but I left it alone."

"No, you f*cking didn't," I shot back as we entered the elevator. "You've told me many times and you still kissed me."

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