CHAPTER | 30 |

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THE TRUTH was important in my job and I was realizing Ghost may have never given it to me. Or anyone. His records stated he was in prison, there was even a photo so how could he have been in Italy at the same time?

'He doesn't come up on any of our records. No family. No history. Nothing.'

Ghost didn't exist according to the system. Anyone could have been standing in for him and the FBI wouldn't know any better. The story he told me was a lie, a lie I'm certain Santan believes because judging by his sarcastic tone when he mentioned Ghost's family in Italy, he assumes they're not close. I exhaled and laughed casually.

"I thought he had as we didn't speak to each other for a while," I explained to the doctor. She didn't question me and smiled along.

"He's a troublemaker so I understand."

What did Ghost want? This had nothing to do with Santan's orders because I was sure he was the one in control as he seemed to have his own mission. Then I remembered that Ghost has a family in Italy but was adopted by Lucy in Las Vegas which was strange. He existed but didn't.

I needed his real name.

"Has he always been called Ghost?"

The doctor looked up as she washed her hands, now done tending to my feet. "Everyone calls him that. Only his uncle knows his actual name. The nurses love to try and guess."


"Well, you're done now. Just be careful. Your feet will hurt for a few days but there were no deep cuts."

The curtain was opened as Ghost stood there, a handsome asshole. He had cleaned, wearing all black with an expensive gold watch on his wrist. His amber eyes landed on me then focused on the doctor. "Grazie," he said which she simply responded by bowing her head. "Come with me, angel."

He led me through the maze of the mansion that reminded me of a museum with artwork hanging on walls, statues and marble staircases. It was clear he had stayed here as he walked with confidence and direction, knowing exactly where to go. I limped after him, unable to keep up with his long strides before stopping.

"Slow down."

He paused and turned around revealing the exhaustion on his face. "Slow down? Angel, we shouldn't be here. I trust my uncle but with you here, I can't relax. I can't."

"So let's leave," I suggested.

"He said we should stay and leave in the morning. That's what we're going to do."


I sat on the bed, wearing a nightgown  which a maid had brought up to the room while Ghost was on the balcony answering a phone call.

"Two days, Santan... Your men... No, don't f*cking interrupt me. If they listened to me, we would arrive in the evening... I did what you asked for... That's not my problem... What?" Ghost glanced at me briefly. "You said you'd handle Lucy and I'm not killing her... F*ck. Okay. Tomorrow evening I need the plane ready. Bye."

"You're not planning to kill me, right?" I asked, raising my eyebrow as he came back in and threw his phone on the bed.

"No. There's another assassin waiting for us at the airport. Grace is planning to-"


"Her name is Grace."

"How do you know her name?"

He smirked. "She's my ex."

"You dated an assassin."

The smirk on his face grew as he knew it was p*ssing me off. "Yes. That's why I'm not killing her, angel."

"But you have no issue killing me."

"Not at all. You're not my girlfriend," Ghost replied, shrugging. "The only problem is will she see that?"

"Is she coming here?"

"She just arrived in Italy so no. I'm guessing she'll attack closer to the airport to try and get De Vil from us."

"She's not going to do anything to me," I said, annoyed. "But if she kills you, I'm not helping."

"Me or her?"

"Either of you. I feel like she probably hates you for a valid reason."

"True but she works for Lucy so you're on my side by default because she's going to come for you as well. We just need to get to the plane and out of Italy before-"

"Why did you lie about going to prison?"


I stood up and folded my arms. "I get that you don't trust me but I prefer you tell me nothing than saying sh*t. I'm following you blindly so be honest at least."

"Fine. I want to f*ck you."

Raising my middle finger, I narrowed my eyes. "You're an asshole and I'm serious. Everything you've told me could be a lie." I grabbed his phone. "I could call the police right now and end all of this."

"I would put a bullet between your eyes before you could say hello."

"I don't care, Ghost. I have a job to do."

He came over to me, taking the phone out of my hands and dropped it on the floor. "And if you find out what I'm planning, what will you do? You think the FBI can stop me?" Ghost slid his hand up the side of my body, pulling me closer.  "Do you think you can stop me?" he whispered in my ear.

"I'm going to put you in prison," I muttered back.

He laughed softly. "I'd love to see you try."

"What's your real name?"

As expected, he didn't answer the question. Instead his hands reached under the hem of the nightgown as he moved his lips down and kissed my neck. "Are you wet? Tell me, angel."

I clenched my thighs, trying to ignore the feeling between my legs and pushed him away. "I'm mad at you."

Ghost paused for a second, his body stilling for a moment then leaned back to look at me. "You want the truth?"


"Fine." The room somehow become cold, his hands on my waist caging me to him. "Once upon a time, there was a mother walking down a street with her son, waiting for her husband to return from making a deal with a corrupt businessman but little did she know that the businessman had killed her husband and was on his way to kill her too. The child and his mother continued on their trip unaware that they were being hunted until it was too late."

I couldn't break eye contact as pain filled his eyes and a silent rage burned in his voice. He was being honest.

"The mother fell to the ground while the child stood confused, crying, begging for his mother to wake up. But she didn't. No one helped. He yelled but no one understood what he was saying. The businessman didn't know he killed a daughter of the mafia so realized his mistake and decided taking the child as blackmail was the safer option. Raise the child to protect his own son from the mafia, making sure he has no idea where he's from or who his parents were."

"Then how did you find out this?" I said.

"My birth name," he replied as a dark smirk grew on his face. "Which if you look up tells you I'm dead."

"Why are you still in Sinners? They killed your parents."

"I'd go to jail regardless, angel. I'm still a murderer and I have something I need to do before I can let you put me in prison."

"You're going to get revenge clearly."

Ghost hummed in agreement then cupped my jaw in his hand. his lips touched mine and I melted into him, responding eagerly. My hands slid around onto his shoulders as he kissed me more passionately before smiling against my lips. "I'm going to take everything from him then put bullets in his head."

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