CHAPTER | 19 |

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BY THE TIME I WOKE UP, Ghost had disappeared and the slight dip in the pillow indicating he had been there. I sighed, thinking back to our conversation last night.

"Sometimes it's best not to be known," Ghost said as he wrapped my hair in his fist and tugged slightly, giving him access to my throat.

"Why?" I moaned as he slid his other hand between my legs.

"Because the people who want to hurt you can't find your weakness easily."

"What f*cking weakness?" I exclaimed to no one. I hated riddles. Glancing at the clock, I decided to go and buy some snacks then make a plan to find out who Santan was. I walked past the vanity mirror on my way to the bathroom but had to reverse back. Decorated down my neck were hickeys, possessives marked where people could see them. I rubbed one gingerly and growled under my breath.


I had nothing to cover them with as it wasn't the right weather for scarves or turtlenecks so concealer was on my shopping list. As soon as I was dressed, I picked up my phone and was out the door. The sun was out and Vegas was wrapped in its usual heat.

I put on my sunglasses to avoid the glances of people passing by and looked for a store but I slowly stopped walking. I could feel someone's eyes on me and I turned to try and find the person but I couldn't spot anyone amongst the swarms of people. At first I thought I was being paranoid but the feeling followed me even when I went into the store confirming that I had a stalker.

Walking down the aisle, I picked up a packet of chips casually while looking around. Something told me that it wasn't Ghost that was trailing behind me as I wouldn't even notice the assassin. I turned quickly and walked the opposite way down the aisle, startling the person following me. It was a man, slightly taller than me with a baseball cap hiding his face. Dressed in shorts and a T-shirt, he blended in but I noticed he had nothing on him. No bag, no purse and no pockets. Which meant he didn't come to the store to buy snacks.

I pulled out my phone and found the brief conversation between Ghost and I. There was no number but it was my best bet.

MALIA: I'm being followed.

No response. Great.

I went to the makeup section, not wanting to draw attention that I had caught on to the man and picked the cheapest concealer then made my way to the till. The lady glanced at my neck and tutted with disapproval before accepting my money. In the corner of my eye, I could see my stalker hanging around the exit, doing his best to act normal but his body language said otherwise.

The likelihood of being kidnapped in broad daylight was low but I had no clue what his intention was. Grabbing my bag, I left the store, passing the man and started my journey back to the hotel. I listened to the sound of his footsteps hitting against the concrete as they followed me.



I sped up but so did he.

TAP... TAP...

The adrenaline began pumping in my veins and I prepared myself mentally to take him down but the sound of someone grunting in pain made me turn. The man in the cap was no where to be seen and I wasn't going to find him.

Warily, I went back to the hotel, not relaxing until I locked the door. I sighed in relief as I leaned against the wall. My phone vibrated in my pocket, making me flinch before pulling it out and stare at the screen.

UNKNOWN: He's been dealt with. Keep your phone on you.

I didn't bother replying, knowing Ghost wouldn't respond. I could only imagine what he had done to the stalker and murder wasn't off the table. Settling on the couch, I ripped open my bag of chips and went over what I had found out.

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