CHAPTER | 31 |

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Ghost slept motionless like a corpse as I lay beside him, my thoughts running wild. I had a feeling I was looking at things wrong, that no one in this mess had good intentions but to find out what I was fighting against seemed to prove impossible. I spotted the gun resting on the pillow next to Ghost's head and carefully reached over him to grab it before pressing the cold metal against his head.

"Angel, you're ruining the moment," he whispered, without opening his eyes which caused me to flinch in surprise.

"F*ck Ghost. I'm serious."

Opening his eyes, he raised his hands in surrender. "If you shoot me, you won't make it off this property alive and there'll just be two bodies to dispose of."

I fired a shot at the ceiling then returned my aim at his face. "I don't care anymore. What the f*ck is going on?"

"I'm not telling you."

"I could help you. Let the FBI catch the criminals and you'll be free," I bargained frustrated.

"Free? You really think I'll be free?" Ghost cocked an eyebrow. "If the FBI doesn't arrest me, I'm certain Lucy will send his men to kill me."

"Then stop this."

He paused, his gaze on me. "I hope you're not worried about me."

"I'm not."

"Stay focused. That's the only warning I'll give you because I'm not the good guy here. I plan to use and hurt you."

"As you've said multiple times before."

"And I don't plan on dying anytime soon so just do your job." He grabbed the gun from my hands and placed it beside him. "Catch the bad guys and lock them up."

"That includes you, Ghost."

"Of course."

I stared at him for a moment. "You're going to kill Lucy and Santan."

He nodded, relaxed. "Obviously."

"And take over Vegas."

Humming in agreement, Ghost nodded again.

"You're going to get caught."

"As you've said before, angel and you've killed the mood." I rolled my eyes as he moved off the bed. "We're going in circles. I'm not telling you sh*t and you don't know anything."

Glaring, I crossed my arms. "Give me two days."

He stopped then turned, folding his arms mimicking me. "I'm going to be honest here but you're sh*t at your job. All of you are. You're focused on putting me behind bars. Why? Because it gives you a false sense of security despite that clearly not stopping me."

"I follow orders unless you're suggesting we kill you."

"You've had too many chances. I won't let you." His phone vibrated from across the room and he sighed. "We need to go and pick up our favorite arms dealer so get dressed." Ghost opened a drawer and pulled out some guns, throwing one to me then put on his clothes. I copied him, getting dressed in silence waiting for him explain what was happening. "There's a jet. We transfer De Vil onto it. We fly back to Vegas and Santan will meet us there. Do not say a word to him or anyone."

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