CHAPTER | 18 |

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I WAS STUPID. I didn't push Ghost away as he kissed me hard, bringing me closer to him and I didn't complain when he sat down on the couch with me straddled on his lap. And I certainly didn't get upset when he ran his hands up the back on my thigh under the material of my dress, taking his sweet time.

My own hands tangled themselves in his silky black hair as I moaned shamelessly, grinding against him. Ghost's breathing deepened, his chest rising and falling as he swiped his tongue against mine. Snaking a muscular arm around my back, he held me in place as he reached my core, and his fingers moved softly over my bare skin. The material of my underwear was dragged as far down as it could go before his fingers pushed inside of me causing me to gasp.

I opened my eyes to meet Ghost's dark gaze as his hand moved faster then closed again. My lips parted and my grip on his hair tightened when he pressed hard kisses down my neck.

"You want me, don't you?" He murmured.

All logic had gone from my head. "Yes," I breathed, not wanting my pleasure to end.

I could feel his mouth curve into a smile against my jaw. "I'm all yours, angel."

His touch quickened and he placed his lips back on mine. I was going to hell. In that moment, my boyfriend didn't exist and Ghost being a criminal was a thought pushed to the back of my mind. Finally, his fingers rubbed my g-spot making me to press my face into his shoulder to muffle my scream.

Ghost held me closer as I rode out my climax, panting into his shirt. He withdrew his fingers slowly and slid up my underwear so it was back in place. "Are you okay?" He asked, his voice deep and husky.

I didn't move. "I don't know."

He laughed, his hand lazily roaming over my body. "You can stay here. I have to go, angel."

"What?" I frowned and leaned back to see his face. "But you didn't-"

Someone knocked on the door. "Santan has arrived," a voice announced, without entering.

Sighing, Ghost lifted me and moved me onto the couch then put on his coat. I watched as he tucked his gun into his pocket and turned to me, need in his eyes. He groaned and leaned over to press his lips to mine. My body reacted immediately, my arms circling his neck to draw him towards me but he quickly moved back.

"I'm coming back," Ghost promised either to me or himself. "Wait for me."

"I'm not waiting," I answered, fanning my cheeks as I got up. "I have work."

An internal war painted itself on his face. "You can't go out like this," he gritted out. I rolled my eyes and walked past him to open the door but he slammed it shut.

"What now?"

"I don't want them looking at you, angel. Not with their greedy eyes. They can't have you because you're mine and only mine," Ghost muttered as he trailed his mouth down my jaw.

"Should I get 'property of Ghost' tattooed on my forehead?" I suggested sarcastically.

"I can have that arranged."

"Were you like this with Lucy?"

"The blonde?" I nodded in response. "No."

"What did you make her do?"

He paused and smirked. "It doesn't matter."

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