CHAPTER | 20 |

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GROGGILY, I SAT UP and opened my eyes to find myself in an empty room on the floor. I winced as gingerly touched my neck and tried to figure out what was going on. For some reason, Santan's people had kidnapped me and trapped me-

The door creaked open and the man with the tattoos glance down at me. He grunted then grabbed me by my arms, dragging me up.

"Who the hell are you?" I screamed as he led me down a hallway.

"Shut up, b*tch."

"No. This is kidnapping. I have a job that you and your stupid-"

The appearance of a gun pressing against my skull made my voice fade away. "Now, be a good girl and shut your f*cking mouth."

I held back my response because I had no desire to die just yet. There was nothing that indicated where I was but the sound of music meant there were people around. The man entered a dressing room where the one of the girls I punched previously stood, sporting a bruise. Smirking, I waved at her.

"Nice black eye you have there," I taunted.

She glared and walked off amongst the other women changing into revealing clothes. I looked around me, starting to realize where I was as it became more and more familiar, bringing up old memories. The changing room of club that I met Ghost a year ago looked different but there was no time to reminisce as the girl with the black eye thrust a bag into my hand.

"Change quickly," she ordered. "The bid starts in ten minutes."

"Bid? What f*cking bid?" I asked as she left.

I was shoved into another room that was empty apart from the vanity table covered with make up. Slowly, I pulled out a dress that I knew instinctively would leave nothing to the imagination and at the bottom of the bag was a small lace mask.

"Sh*t. Sh*t. Sh*t," I swore and began pacing the room. There were no obvious exits and I was pretty sure the girl I punched wouldn't let me leave without giving me my own black eye. Banging on the door brought me out of my thoughts.

"Hurry up," a gruff voice barked. "You need to go to the stage."

Without looking at my reflection, I slipped into the dress and mask after stealing a pair of heels from the numerous boxes at the back of the room and put on some lipstick. I prayed that Ghost would miraculously be at his club and not the casino otherwise I had no plan b.

Twenty minutes later, I was in a line of girls, waiting for our turn to get sold to whoever was behind the curtains of the stage.

"Ten thousand dollars," a man said.

People clapped and another voice announced that the girl was sold. No names, no ages, only prices were disclosed. And my mouth dropped at the figures but all the women seemed calm, almost hopeful to get the same price or higher. Each of them had their own story on how they got here but one thing I knew was that they came here out of free will.

"Ghost, as much as I hate you, please appear and stop this," I muttered quietly.

My turn came too quickly and I was guided on stage. Lights blinded me as I stood in front of dozens of wealthy men and women in suits, all sitting around small tables. There was a buzz of voices along with the music and I looked into the crowd hoping to see the golden eyes that could put me out of my misery.

"Well start one thousand."

I stood there like an object, ready to fight my way out if needed.

"Twenty thousand."

Ghost's deep voice was calm as he stood at the back with his arms cross. Everyone turned to look but swiftly turned away when they saw the silent fury in his eyes. I met his gaze and he simply gestured for me to come. Shaking, I walked towards him, trying to ignore the focus on me. Once I was in front of him, he removed the mask from my face, placing a hand on my back and led me out of the club.

Not a single word was exchanged between us, making me more nervous. Two men in suits followed us out also not speaking. Ghost opened the door of his sports car and I sat inside. Before he could enter as well, Santan appeared grinning.

"I see you took your girl," he said.

"I don't know what f*cked up plan you have but I'll kill you first," Ghost replied unamused.

Santan smiles at me. "You're just the flavor of the month, love."

"You sound like a jealous ex." Ghost rolled his eyes.

"I'm just letting her know."

"I'm just letting you know that if you f*ck with my sh*t again, I'll turn this whole thing against you."

"Against me? The Prince of Vegas?"

"That title doesn't mean sh*t to me, Santan."

"Of course not, brother, but to everyone else it does."

Ghost closed my door and entered the car without giving Santan a response. I, on the other hand, was shocked.

"He's your brother?" I exclaimed as Ghost drove. The blond man and the killer beside me were opposites but carried the same dangerous energy.

"Not by blood, angel."

"Prince of Vegas. Isn't that what they call you?"

He sighed. "Yes and no. I can't hold that title but people still use it."

"You need to explain."

"No, you need to explain. Why the f*ck were you on that stage?"

I narrowed my eyes at his tone. "I didn't have much choice as I was drugged by your brother's minions."

"You could have ended up with some random motherf*cker, angel. Those weren't good people."

"So why are they in your club?"

He stopped the car in the middle of the street. Horns blared around us as he glared at me. "I'm a hit man, murder or whatever you want to call me. I'm not good just like them so don't forget that."

"Why would you bid on me then?" I answered back. "You could've left me."

"Because you shouldn't be there."

"Where should I be? Why the hell am I even in this car, Ghost?"

"You're mine, not theirs. They're not allowed to touch you."

"I can let anyone I want touch me," I replied defiantly. "You don't own me."

He smirked and leaned in while his hand trailed from my waist to between my legs. "I paid a lot of money for you, angel and something tells me you want me to touch you," he murmured into my ear as he slipped a finger inside me.

I held onto his arm, my heart pounding in my chest. "Ghost," I breathed. "I want..."


"I want you-"

Out of nowhere, someone began banging on the window. Ghost moved away from me and glanced at the person who was holding a gun.

"Who the f*ck is that?" I whispered.

"Sh*t. Sh*t," Ghost swore. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number. "Santan. Lucy's people are here. No. For f*ck sake...I'll do it myself." Finally, he hung up and looked at me. "Now, we need to come to an agreement."

"Don't we have bigger problems?" I asked as another man joined the other in hitting the windows.

Ghost moved in front of them, diverting my focus on him. "I can either f*ck you right here, right now-"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Or when I take you home. The choice is yours."


The two men started shooting at the windows, making me jump. "Only if we survive," I said worried.

He looked at me as if I was stupid. "You do realize I'm more dangerous than the men outside?"

"Show me then."

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