CHAPTER | 13 |

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GHOST AND I went to the hotel receptionist to check in. The woman stared at us, trying to figure out why we were together. Like every female that went past, she was captivated by Ghost, giving him a perfect smile.

"How can I help you?" The question was mainly directed to the assassin who was smirking back.

"We need a room for tonight," he answered making the girl's eyes flicker to mine.

"How many beds?"



I glared at Ghost. "I'm not sleeping in the same bed as you," I hissed.

"Are you scared you'll moan again?" He teased, pulling me towards him. I flushed red, knowing the receptionist could hear and tried to move his hand from my hip.

"Stop it." I turned to the girl who looked uncomfortable. "We want two beds, please."

"Who's paying for that room, angel? I know you don't have enough money." F*ck. He saw my fight fade away and grinned. "One bed for us."

"Here is your key card. Call us if you need anything. Enjoy your time here," the receptionist said with hints of envy in her voice.

"Thanks," Ghost said back to her as we left. The hotel room was large with a king sized bed in the centre which was my main priority. I kicked off my shoes and dived into the bed, sighing with relief.

"Finally," I whispered happily.

"I'm going out quickly," Ghost called out to me. "Don't leave."

I hummed in response, too comfortable to speak. Without getting up, I wriggled out of my jeans and kicked them onto the floor. My shirt followed, landing on the heap. Satisfied, I fell asleep immediately for the first time in days.

The next time I opened my eyes, sunlight streamed through the curtains making me squint. I patted blindly for my phone and saw that it was almost midday. I tried to get up but my body ached and I winced from the pain.

"You okay?" Ghost asked. I turned my head to look at him. He sat on the bed, topless, applying a cream to the fresh wounds on his chest with bandages wrapped around his right arm and shoulder.

"I think I'm dying," I replied groggily then rolled onto my side to relieve the pain from my back. "Never throw me out a window ever again."

"I'll avoid it if I can," he promised and dropped his gun on the covers. "We need to get Clayton's laptop today."

"Can't we wait till it's dark?"

"The safest time is when the sun is out, angel. The chances of being shot in broad daylight is lower."


"I'm not liked much in this area so quite a few people want me dead."

"I wonder why," I muttered sarcastically. Somehow he heard and narrowed his eyes at me.

"If someone shoots at me, I'm using your body as a human shield."

I flipped my finger at him. "F*ck you.

"You're such a lady." Ghost got up, revealing his impressive muscles and threw a bag at me. "Those are clothes for you to change into. It's going to be hot later."

Looking in the bag, I noticed the price on the tags. "Five hundred dollars?" I exclaimed in shock, pulling out the thin white material of what seemed like a dress.

"Yes? Is there something wrong?"

"It's expensive," I told him but he laughed.

"Money isn't the most important thing to me especially as by the end of today, I will have even more."

"You're planning to rob a bank?"

"Next week," he joked, winking at me. I stood up and remembered I was only wearing my underwear. Ghost stared, heat in his eyes as they raked slowly over my body. "Damn, angel."

"Can you stop?" I grabbed the bag and stomped past him to the bathroom but he grabbed me, lifting me off the floor. I placed my hand on his shoulders to stop myself from falling.

"You're the one who keeps looking at me."

"I do not," I argued. "Put me down.

The sound of someone knocking abruptly ended our conversation. Ghost put me back on my feet. "Who is it?" He yelled.

"Room service," a muffled voice called.

"Hide the gun," Ghost whispered, motioning to the bed. Hurrying, I picked it up and hid it in my backpack just as the door opened. A young man entered, holding pillows and towels with a woman, the same age, following behind.

"We're here to clean the," the man stuttered as he looked at me. Ghost stepped in front of him, obstructing his view.

"Don't f*cking look at her. Look at me."

He flushed red. "Yes, sir."

The woman, on the other hand, had her sights on Ghost glancing at the injuries on his torso and the light bruises on my hips. Understanding flashed on her face but I didn't know what conclusion she had come up with. Most likely the wrong one. Ghost handed the bag of clothes to me. "Go to the bathroom," he ordered. I did as he said and locked the door.

After I cleaned up, I held up the sleeveless dress that I found out had no back when I put it on. Surprisingly, it fit and I brushed my blue hair, leaving it in its waves. I went back into the bedroom and found Ghost typing on his phone. He was wearing a matching white shirt that still revealed the tattoos on his arms and black jeans. Sunglasses sat on the top of his head and another pair was on the bedside table.

Beside an unopened box of condoms.

"What is that doing here?" I said pointing towards the box. "Did you buy them?"

Ghost shrugged without diverting his attention from his phone. "No, the woman gave it to us. She thinks we're together."

"Was it the bed?"

"I think it was the cuts and bruises. Probably thought we were having rough sex," he guessed amused.

"And you didn't bother correcting her?"

"Two people. One bed. We were both almost naked and your clothes were on the floor. Would she believe me?"

He was right but I didn't care. "You could have tried."

"Stop looking for a fight, angel, before I handcuff you to this bed and leave you here."

"I'd scream," I warned him.

"That would add the story of us f*cking."

I held myself back from taking his gun and shooting him and gave him a fake smile. "I really dislike you."

"It didn't stop you from moaning."

I had enough. Grabbing one of the pillows, I began hitting him angrily. "You're such a f*cking d*ck," I yelled while he tried to snatch the creative weapon from my hands.

"Stop," he said, laughing at me. "Why are you so violent?"

"Because someone keeps testing my patience."

Throwing the pillow across the room, Ghost grabbed my wrists. "If I buy you breakfast, will you calm down?"

"You have to anyway," I huffed, trying not to get distracted by his handsome face. "You've practically kidnapped me."

"Who would ever kidnap you? After a day, they'd send you back."

"This is why I don't like you."

"I don't like you either, angel."



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