CHAPTER | 25 |

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I didn't say a word to Ghost as we left the house, when we drove to airport or when he revealed we were going on a private jet. I was just angry. Settling in my seat, I faced the window as we waited for the plane to take off. He sat in front of me, staring intensely.

"I'll give you an offer," he started. No apology. "I'll tell you exactly where De Vil will be so you can tell your boss but only if you can wait two days. Is that okay?"

"With what phone?" I replied, narrowing my eyes at him.

Ghost pulled out a new one from his pocket. "Just say the word and it's yours."

I opened my mouth to reply but was interrupted by two men entering the plane. You could see the outline of guns in their pockets and their observant eyes landed on me.

"Who's this?" The blond man questioned.

Leaning back, Ghost raised an eyebrow. "Should I break your legs so you know who I am?"

Both of the men lowered their eyes. "No, sir."

"Then don't ask me questions and let me talk. I don't give a f*ck if Santan sent you, I will throw you off this plane if I feel like it and no one will care so follow my orders and nothing else."

I looked between the men and the dynamics were obvious. Ghost was higher up than others, seeming almost predatory as they became submissive immediately, sitting down without sound. But I had the feeling it was more to do with fear rather than respect.

"We're going to La Plaza hotel. We'll set up there then I'll tell you what the plan is. Right now, your job is to sit still for now instead of asking about my company."

"Of course."

Putting my earphones in, I decided to tune out as the tension in the air became thick, reminding me that I was in a small space with dangerous people who weren't necessarily on the same team.


The journey to the hotel remained tense, Ghost placing a possessive hand on my hip until we reached the hotel. He turned to the men lingering behind us and gestured to reception.

"Get two rooms, different floors," he said shortly. They did as he asked and Ghost leaned in to whisper in my ear. "Stay away from them and be carful what you say."

I nodded just as the people he mentioned returned with sets of keys.

The blond man spoke first. "Unfortunately, the rooms are on the same floor but they're at opposite ends of the hallway."

Ghost's face remained neutral, taking the keys and leading me away. I didn't breathe properly till he finally locked our room. "Who are they?" I whispered, looking around briefly. I had a feeling we wouldn't be staying long enough for me enjoy it.

He placed a small object, the size of a coin, on the door handle then turned to me. "Santan's men. I don't know their names but he uses them a lot."

"So why are they here?"

"To watch me. Especially since we're in Italy," he muttered the last part.

"I wonder why Sophia didn't come," I said casually, opening my suitcase.

"She's staying with Santan for now."

"But he f*cked one of the girls I worked with. Are they dating? Or is she dating you?"

He raised an eyebrow at me causing me to flush red, embarrassed. "She's not dating Santan. When did I say that?"

You're the one who left me for my brother.

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