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THERE'S NOTHING more scary than grabbed from behind and getting dragged into the corner of the club where no one could see you. I kicked the culprit who had my mouth covered with their hand. Eventually, I was dropped but before I could run away, the hand curled around my throat, slamming me into the wall and I faced Ghost. He looked exactly what my mom would warn me against. His arms were covered in tattoos, the rest of the trail hidden under the black shirt he wore. Candy wasn't joking when she said he was attractive. Full lips, perfect nose, tanned skin and eyes like honey that were narrowed at me.

"Who are you?"

I opened and closed my mouth, too shocked to respond. His voice was deep and rich. Ghost raised an eyebrow that had a scar running through it.

"Do you speak English?"

I tried to pull his hand off my throat in vain. "Malia," I whispered then remembered the role I was playing. "I mean, Milan."

"Malia or Milan?"

F*ck, I was going to die.


Suspicion was painted across his handsome face. "I haven't seen you before."

"I'm new."

"Have you done this job before?"

"Once or twice."

Out of nowhere, he lifted me up so my legs were around his hips and leaned into me. The hand on my neck didn't move as his lips moved towards mine which were open in shock. "I don't believe you for a second, Malia," he muttered in my ear, sending shivers down my body at the sound of my name. "I just want to know why you and that b*tch of a man are in my club."

"He's my friend," I said breathlessly as I met his intense gaze that was trying to figure me out. He cupped one of my breasts in his hand and rubbed it using his thumb over the material of my bra.

"Don't lie to me then," he murmured. "Your friend can't help you. He's already drugged and tied up in one of the rooms. So let me ask you again. Why are you here?"

"I wanted to find out who Ghost is."

I wasn't stupid. I couldn't expose my job but this man could see straight through my lies so I settled for being semi-honest especially as he called Harry a b*tch. It seemed to be the right answer as he smirked. "Do you? All you b*tches are the same."

"I'm no b*tch," I hissed at him as his grip on my ass tightened. Something in me wanted his approval and I hated it. Amber eyes focused on my lips.

"You're not the only girl here who wants to get to know me but let me tell you the truth. I'm no one."

"That's not true,"I argued.

"You're wrong."

Ghost pressed his mouth to mine, kissing me slowly and grinded against me so I felt the bulge behind his jeans. I grabbed onto his shirt as he held me by the neck, keeping me in place as he kissed me with more force. And I let him. Groaning, I allowed his tongue to coax my mouth open in order to deepen the kiss. His free hand roamed my body which was burning up despite being barely covered. The idea that he was the enemy and no one would know what we were doing, made the experience more risky but also what made me pull him closer. Seconds later, he leaned back, not breaking eye contact.

"I want you to take your friend and leave," his voice husky. "The next time I see you, he can't be there or I'll kill him. Do you understand?"

Nodding, I tried to get my heart to calm down.

"Good girl. Tomorrow, I want you here at seven." He released my neck and let me slide down him so I was standing.

I held onto his arms to stop myself from falling. "Don't tell me what to do," I shot back.

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