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I SETTLED ON THE PLANE, pulling out my headphones as I waited for everyone to go on board. It was cloudy outside which meant it was going to rain soon. I leaned back, trying to relax but the sound of someone sitting in the empty seat beside me prevented that. Ghost smirked down at me while I glared.

"You're definitely stalking me."

"You didn't come back home so I guessed you were already at the airport," he explained. "I told you we were going together."

"Do you even have a passport?"

His only response was a shrug. A gorgeous female flight attendant walked up to us and gave him a flirty smile. She placed a manicured hand on his shoulder and, sliding it down his arm, gently squeezed his muscles. "Anything I can help you with, darling?"

"No," I replied unbothered.

"What can you do for me?" Ghost asked in his deep voice that made her cheeks flush red. Leaning into him, she whispered promises in his ear that she was willing to do. He nodded and winked at her. "I'll see you in a bit."

I watched in disgust as she walked away with an extra sway in her hips. "Does she not have work to do?"

"It's not her fault. Everyone wants something that they can't have."

I peered around him and saw a group of teenagers pointing and giggling like he was famous. "It's a shame they don't know what you do for a living."

His tattoos were covered by the black sweater he wore and he seemed to be in a good mood. Suspicious, in my opinion.  A simple gold cross necklace hung around his neck adding to his look that had the women around us all staring in his direction.

"Your hair is blue," he said, noticing the change in color as I released my long hair from its bun. The director had forced me to get my hair done, suggesting blonde but I decided to dye it a royal blue which was more subtle for me.

"Do you like it?"

"If I say no, what would happen?"

Punching him in the arm, I turned my back to him and faced the window, irritated. He laughed and pressed a warm hand on my thigh.

"I'm joking. Don't ignore me."

"Leave me alone."

He leaned into me and moved his lips to my ear. "I love the color. It makes me want to wrap it in my fist as you suck my d*ck and pull on it as I f*ck you from behind," he murmured huskily, making my mouth part in shock. "Happy?"

Eyes wide, I blushed hard and smacked his hand off my leg. "I hate you. I f*cking hate you," I breathed. "Why can't you just say it looks nice?"

"I thought I did."

"Not like that. Like a normal f*cking person."

The flight attendant came past again, glaring at me which meant she probably saw everything. "You've upset your fan," I pointed out, fanning my cheeks. "She thinks I'm sleeping with you."

Ghost glanced at her and waved, grinning. She lowered her head, face red then walked away. "I have loads of girls like her in Vegas so I'm not missing out and I don't care what she thinks, angel."

"I still want to know how you got on the plane."

"I went to the airport then walked onto the plane."

"Did you threaten anyone? Hold a gun to anyone's head?"

"Wouldn't you like to know," he answered vaguely. "Choose a movie so we can watch as we travel."

Going through the list of names on my screen, I tapped his with my other hand. "Watch something by yourself. You have a screen for a reason."

He placed the blanket over both of our legs and took one of the earbuds from me. "Put on one of the Purge movies and shut up."


The moment we stepped off the plane, Ghost disappeared. He melted into the crowd of people without looking back. I swore under my breath but didn't bother chasing him, knowing I wouldn't be able to find him anyway. I picked up my small suitcase and texted the director who was saved as Dad on my phone in case anyone were to take my phone.

ME: I've arrived and going to the hotel.

DAD: Stay safe.

My task was to get information about Sinners and Ghost but he would notice if I followed him around. Instead, I would make it seem like I was trying to find Quince De Vil and at the same time figure out why he wants the FBI to reopen the case.

It was late in the evening and I dragged my suitcase, searching for a taxi outside the airport that could take me to my hotel. Suddenly, a silver sports car parked in front of me and the window rolled down to reveal Ghost in the driver's seat.

I raised an eyebrow. "I'm starting to wonder how much money you make."

He got out and took my luggage from me, putting it away. "Enough for me to survive. I'll take you to your sh*t hotel then I'm going."

"It's not sh*t," I huffed as I entered the car. "It's affordable."

"You could stay with me for free."

"I don't feel like that's a good idea."


"Because I don't trust you. Not to mention, you're dangerous."

He didn't say anything as we drove through Las Vegas, past the neon lights and casinos with people yelling drunk or screaming with excitement. On the surface, it seemed like a place where you can forget all your troubles but as you look closer, it's not as shiny. Hotel Antidote stood proud as we pulled up.

"I don't want you staying here," Ghost finally said, glancing at the building that was between a casino and club.

"I know. You've said that many times but I'm not going to listen to you." I moved to unbuckle my seatbelt but he grabbed my wrist.

"You'll be careful then?" His golden eyes pierced into me with a hint of worry in them. Nodding, I got out. He handed me my suitcase and leaned against his car, looking like a model on the cover of a magazine. "Don't draw attention to yourself," he said. "Don't look for trouble."

"I won't," I promised. "I'll be fine."

"This is where we part ways, angel."

"Should I pretend to cry?"

He stepped forward and pulled me into a hug. Hesitantly, my hands clutched his shirt as he held me closer, covering me with his heat. "You're a b*tch, you know?"

"That's not how you say goodbye."

"I'm not trying to because knowing you, we'll see each other again."

I didn't bother lying. "You can go now."

"See you later," he finally said before releasing me and going back into his car. I watched him drive off, feeling some of my tension disappearing. He messed up my plans and with his unpredictable behavior, I had no clue how I was going to find out anything.

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