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GHOST wasn't a bad roommate for an assassin. I didn't see him at all in the morning but breakfast was waiting for me before I went to work. I prayed that it wasn't poisoned as I ate.

I entered the boardroom and sat down beside Harry while the other agents discussed amongst themselves. He glared at me. "You're late."

"I'm on time actually," I shot back.

"You should have been here earlier."

"If the meeting starts at nine then I'll be here at  exactly nine."

The director walked in before Harry could argue again. The room went silent as he stood at the front. "This shouldn't be long but there's a lot at stake. If you look at page one of your briefing, you can see that this is about the case of Quince De Vil who was claimed to be dead. With no leads, the FBI were unable to prove that the organization called Sinners had kidnapped him. As of recently, from the photos on page ten, we believe that he is alive."

Someone raised their hand. "When were these photos taken?"

"Two weeks ago. The issue is this man deals with weaponry and due to being 'dead', it's difficult to find out who he's making deals with. It also raises suspicions as to why he hasn't proclaimed himself as alive."

"Could he be trying to avoid the law?" I thought out loud.

"Most likely. We want to know who kidnapped him and take him to court about his previous lawsuits about gang and mafia dealings."

"So we need to bring him in," an older woman concluded.

"And figure out who he works with or for," the director expanded then pointed at Harry and I. "Miss. Reyes and Mr. Harper will be undercover while there will be another unit raiding De Vil's homes. Malia, you already know Ghost so stick with him as we still have suspicions on the involvement of Sinners and Harry track down De Vil."

"Can't I track De Vil?" I suggested, dreading the mission already.

"Ghost knows who you are so stay with him. Find out about Sinners and him. Follow him."

"Yes, sir," I grumbled. I knew it was only because they hoped Ghost wouldn't kill me as he didn't before.

"Don't stay there for too long. Make sure you leave for a few days then go back. On page fifty you can..."

He continued for another four hours as we went through every possible scenario. I left the meeting drained and didn't bother working, going straight home. I hung up my coat and dumped my bag on the floor, walking towards my living room like a zombie. Collapsing on the couch, I sighed. The next few weeks were going to be stressful.

A hand stroked my head gently. I curled up, comfortable as my eyes drifted close. Sleep came over me quickly and I was out like a light.


I woke up to the sight of a tanned, muscular back that had faint scars decorated over it. Yawning, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Ghost turned to me, wearing nothing but jeans that were low on his hips. My gaze focused on the defined V line and the sculpted abs.

"You like what you see?" He asked, mockingly.

Embarrassed, I pulled my focus to his golden eyes. "I was comparing you to my boyfriend and I think he's better," I lied.

He glared. "Nice try but we both know the truth. While you were sleeping, I had to make a few phone calls."

"To who?"

"You're not staying at that hotel your director booked."

"Yes, I am."

"You can't be alone," he argued, folding his arms which drew my attention to them for a split second.

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