CHAPTER | 32 |

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I applied pressing where she stabbed me and clenched my teeth as the pain finally hit, freezing me in place as it became hard to breathe. A shadow loomed over me as Ghost looked down, watching me with a calm expression on his face. "You okay?"

"What do you think?" I hissed back at him. "You could've helped."

He whistled in approval, pointing at Grace who was unconscious beside me. "You did a great job without me." Picking her up, Ghost carried Grace in his arms bridal style easily as if she weighed nothing. "I'm going to take her to the jet. Do you need me to get you?"

I stared at him in disbelief. "No, just leave me here to to bleed to death here after your ex stabbed me," sarcasm dripping from my voice as tried to speak through the agony I was in. "In fact, maybe I should fly the jet for you."

"You're so funny," he answered smirking. "Give me a moment and try to not die while I'm gone."

As he said, he returned and helped me limp to the jet where he settled me in one of the seats. I glanced around to see De Vil sat between Ace and Grey with Grace across from them, her body tied to her chair with rope.

"She's okay, right?" I asked hesitantly as she was unconscious.

"Mmm," Ghost hummed in response. He carefully grazed the back of my head with his fingers causing me to flinch. "Let me get someone to check you."

He walked further down the plane, out of sight. Looking back at Grace, I found her dark eyes on me alert and p*ssed.

"You b*tch! You f*cking b*tch," she yelled, wriggling in her constraints. "I'm going to kill you."

I glared, not wanting to waste energy on her as I was already weak from the blood loss.

"You didn't win," she sneered. "Once I'm out of here, you're next."

"Devi calmarti, cara," Ghost cautioned returning with someone. He leaned towards Grace and patted her on the head slowly, the action clearly patronizing. "Stop shouting before I cut out your tongue in front of everyone."

The fire in her eyes quickly cooled and she stopped moving around. "She hurt me."

He raised an eyebrow. "You shot her first."

"Who is she anyway?"

There was an audible pause in the jet as if everyone was waiting for his response. The doctor walked over to me, breaking the spell but not fast enough for me to miss his answer.

"No one."

I simply sighed, not expecting anything less. With the doctor asking me questions, I couldn't hear anything else in their conversation so I turned my attention to De Vil.

'...making a deal with a corrupt businessman'

I wished I could have one moment with him but with Santan's men watching over him it wasn't possible. The man had lost his business to Ghost which meant that he now had control of distribution of weaponry. I hissed as the doctor began stitching my sides just as Ghost returned. He slumped down in his chair, tension radiating off him and drank the alcohol in his hand straight from the bottle.

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