CHAPTER | 17 |

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TRUE TO HIS WORD, Ghost turned up to the casino in his usual black attire and light brown trench coat. I was handing a group of girls their drinks when he entered and they all began squealing as soon as they noticed him. His gold eyes met mine and he winked before walking over to a table and sitting down. Everyone was aware of his presence and the bodyguards around him disguised the fact that he was the most dangerous person in the room.

I moved to a different group of people, feeling Ghost's gaze on me despite not being able to see him and tried to ignore it. Lucy skipped over to me and grabbed my arm.

"Did you see that man?" She whispered. I knew who she was talking about and nodded.


"He's f*cking hot. I would sleep with him for free," she hissed excited.

I removed her hand from my arm. "Good for you. Didn't you have sex with that guy from yesterday?"

Lucy grinned. "Lighten up, Milan. It was a bit of fun that I got paid for. A win-win situation."

"Sure." I pointed to the table we were standing at. "Deal with these people. I need to go somewhere."


"Somewhere," I repeated. Glancing at Ghost, I saw that his focus was still on me and he gestured that I should come over. I shook my head in response, earning a glare from him. He can sulk all he wants. I turned my back on him and continued my journey around the casino, pretending he didn't exist.

As I stood at the bar to get a drink, I felt a warm hand land on my hip. I turned, facing Ghost who gestured to the bartender before making eye contact with me.

"You don't listen well, angel," he said, taking a sip of the amber liquid in his glass.

"You told me to act like I don't know you," I shot back. He somehow looked better up close, his full lips curved into a smirk as he raised an eyebrow.

"I did but if I tell you to come, that's what you'll do."

I flushed, catching the message behind his words. "Why are you here?"

Ghost's grip on my hip tightened slightly and he pulled me against him. "I saw Santan on you, angel. I didn't like it at all," he whispered to me. "He's not allowed to touch you."

"How did you know?"

"It's my casino. I like to know what's going on."

I caught sight of the manager over his shoulder. "I'm not supposed to be talking to you. It's against-"

"The rules? I'm your boss so I'll tell you what to do."

"Never," I answered, defiantly. "I've already told you this. No one is the boss of-"

He slid his other hand slowly up my thigh, my back now against the bar and pressed his lips on mine. My own hands clutched the back of his shirt, pulling him closer as Ghost kissed me hard. His lips slanted against mine and his tongue ran along my bottom lip, deepening the kiss. Desire covered any trace of my morals as he fisted my hair, removing the distance between us.

His chest rumbled in pleasure while the hand on my thigh skimmed under my dress, teasing the skin there. Ghost pulled away first as usual and I pouted, still clinging onto him.

"Stop playing with me," I murmured.

Tracing my spine with his hand, Ghost laughed, lust burning in his golden eyes. "Later, angel. I promise."

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